Chapter 2

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Todoroki P.O.V.

I stared at Izuku's cottage. It was small and made of cobble stones. It had a wooden roof with smoke coming out of the chimney. There was a small garden in the front with magnolia bushes. They were in full bloom. They were very beautiful.

"Come on!" Izuku said grabbing my hand and dragging me into his home.

"Sorry for intruding." I whisper when I get pulled inside. I look to where he pulled me. It seemed to be a living room. It had small leather couch and a rocking chair. A fire place was full of fire. 

"Mom! I'm home!" Izuku yelled loudly.

"Welcome home! How was-" his mother said walking into the room. Though she stopped when she saw me standing there.

"Well, who is this handsome man?" Izuku's mother said. I scan her appearance. She had the same colored green hair as Izuku. She was a bit plump and had a sweet smile.

"This is Todo! He was lost so I decided to help him." Izuku boasted, proud to have help someone. I awkwardly held my hand out.

"Hello Todo! You may call me Ms. Midoriya." she said as she shook my hand. She smiled the same smile as Izuku. I couldn't help but smile back.

She then walked over to Izuku and whispered just loud enough for me to hear, "You found a nice one there." Izuku blushed madly and let go of my hand which he was still holding onto. Ms. Midoriya laughed. A small blush went across my face.

"Well since we have three mouths to feed I better get started!" she said heading off to what I assumed is the kitchen.  "We're having chicken and carrots!"

I smiled. Izuku went over and sat down on the small leather couch. He patted the seat next to him. I walked over and sat down right next to him.

"Thanks a lot for this." I said, looking at him.

"No problem! I hope you'd do the same for me." he smiled again.

"Why do you smile so much?" I ask. He stares at me dumbfounded.

"Why wouldn't you smile? There's so much to smile about." he said raise his arms up and smiling even wider.

"Like what?"

"Well like: Animals, food, family, life, the Sun, the sky, so much stuff!" I stare at the overly happy child. He wouldn't stop smiling. I let another little smile come out.

"You need to smile more!" he said poking my cheek. I usually just smile when I'm with my mother. But being with Izuku I couldn't help but smile. The way his eyes always lit up when he smiled made it hard for me not to do the same.

"I'll try." I said still smiling. I then brought up his mother's comment from earlier.

"So what did your mother mean by you found a nice one?" I said. Izuku blushed a bright red. 

"Um... well. It's because I like guys." he said rubbing his arm and looking down. His entire face red.

"It's okay." I said grabbing his shoulders so he could look at me, I let them go and say quietly, " I actually am gay also." I then realized he was only the second person I've told. His head snapped up. 

"Really?" he asked, was there a bit of hopefulness in there? I nodded. He looked so happy. We then just sat there. The silence wasn't awkward though, it was rather comfortable. Like a silence between two people who had known each other for ages and didn't need to have a  conversation. Just have the other person's presence.

"DINNER!" I heard Ms. Midoriya call from the kitchen. Izuku jumps up and runs into the kitchen. Me following right behind him. When I walk in I am met with the most amazing smell. Izuku sat down and I sat in the seat next to him. Ms. Midoriya then hands us our plates.

Izuku digs in and I then take a bite. I sat there in shock. The food was amazing. Best I've had in my life. And the palace cooks were supposed to be the best of the best.

"This is amazing!" I said shoveling more of it into my mouth. Ms. Midoriya just laughs. I heard Izuku snicker. I just continued to eat. I didn't care about their laughter. I loved this food. 

Bye the end of this dinner I was full and happy. Now I was also smiling a lot. This family's smiles were extremely contagious. 

"I should get going though." I said when everyone was finished and we cleaned off the dishes.

"It's so late! You should stay!" Izuku insisted. I looked at him. His eyes were wide and begging.

"...Okay" I said hesitantly. I didn't want to overstay my welcome. But to be honest I didn't know how to get home. 

"Only if you help me back to town in the morning!" I said loudly. 

"Okay!" Izuku said laughing.

"Come on!" Izuku said happily. He started down the hallway and up some stairs, to what I think is his room.

We walked into his room. He had a surprisingly big bed for such a small person. Next to his bed was a pile of worn books. He had a window looking over the forest.

"Do you mind sharing a bed?" Izuku said awkwardly. 

"Not if you don't." I said. 

"Okay." he said then took off his vest and went into bed. I walked with him and laid down next to him. We both sat near the edges of the bed facing away. Izuku had a giant blush while my face was slightly red.



"This is awkward."


"Is it cause we're both guys who like guys?"

"Probably." I said chuckling. Izuku laughed too. He them flipped over to face me so I flip over.

"Hi." he said pulling the covers further up.

"Hi." Izkuk starts to laugh. I smile at him. He then scoots closer, I do the same. I saw Izuku close his eyes and drift off to sleep.

I stared at his sleeping body. His hair fell over his face, his breathing steady. After a while I could tell he was asleep. I scoot closer. Our noses are almost touching. 

"Good night, Izuku." I whisper before I drifted off to sleep, last thought on my mind: Maybe he's the one...

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