Chapter 16

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(Thank you guys so much for 30K!!!!!! All you guy's votes and comments keep this story going ~(˘▾˘~))

 I woke up the next morning warm. I look down and see Izuku still sound asleep. His messy hair tickled my chin. I kissed the top of his head. I watched as his green eyes blinked themselves awake. 

Izuku looked up at me and yawned. 

"Morning." he said, giving me a small smile. He leans up and kisses my lips.

I could get used to waking up like this.

I looked out the window, the Sun was lower in the sky. It must be early. I look around at the room. 

"Hey, Izuku," I said.

"Yeah?" Izuku said.

"Should we try to find a place to live on our own?" I ask. Izuku sits up, sitting on my crotch as I also sit up. I hold him by his hips.

"What do you mean?" he asks.

"We can't stay in this guest room forever." I tell him. He smiles.

"Sounds like a great idea." Izuku said kissing my forehead. Even though we've just spent a few nights here I want to settle down with Izuku as soon as possible. I don't want to rely on others for food, homes or clothes. I've been spoiled my whole life, I really need to learn to live on my own.

Well I won't be completely alone. I look at the handsome boy in front of me who was giving me a tired smile. I rub his back and he wraps his arms around my back. I move backward and lean against the headboard. Izuku leaned his head on my shoulder. Soon I heard Izuku's small snores on my shoulder. I laugh quietly at how quick he fell asleep. 

After a bit I pulled Izuku off of me. I laid him on the bed and pull a pillow under his head. I pull the blankets up to his chin and kiss his cheek. He smiles wider in his sleep. 

I walk to the closet and pull on some day clothes. I look back at Izuku before I left the room. I quietly shut the door and begin walking down the hallway idly. I put my pant in my khaki pants. I had found a white shirt and a blue vest in the closet. 

Soon though I ran into someone I didn't expect this early.

"Hello young Shouto." All Might happily. 

"Good morning." I said.

"Where is Midoriya, I thought you two were inseparable." he said smiling.

"He's still asleep." I say looking out the window in the hall. I wonder where Izuku would like to live...

"Is something wrong? Boy troubles?" he laughed. I look at All Might and smile slightly. 

"No troubles; I was just wondering if you knew any home that were open for buy." I ask him.

"I don't know exactly where but we do have a few open homes." he said, "Are you and Izuku looking to buy?"

"Yeah, we just need to get jobs." I tell him.

"Well I wouldn't say getting a job wouldn't be bad but I could provide you two with a home." All Might.

"No I wouldn't want to inconvenience you."

"No! Shouto believe me I have plenty to give! Haven't you realized how there are no people on my streets?" he asked. I nodded, "Then let me give you two a home." 

"Okay then, thank you." I tell him smiling.

"I can have you two look around at a few homes. I can get one of my people to show you two." he said. 

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