Chapter 5

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I sat down in my room. It had been almost a week since I saw Izuku.

"You should probably space out your visits with your boyfriend Shouto." 

My mother said that after my last visit with Izuku. But a week was more than enough for me. I grab an ink pen and paper and write.

Hello Izuku~

Would you like to meet tommorow? Same spot?


I then whistles for my personal hawk and waited by my window. Soon it came and I tie the letter to his leg. I then look out the window. Izuku's home was covered by forest but I pointed and described how Izuku looked to my bird. He seemed to understand and then flew away.

I then waited for the day to end. Praying for the next day to come quicker. I barely slept because I was so excited. I had only known him for little over a week and I was head over heals for him.

I'm definitely in love with him. I'm in love with everything about him. His laugh, his smile, his hair, his positive attitude, everything.

Soon the next day came I said my goodbyes to my mother.

I then ran out of the palace around noon. Izuku got my note. My hawk flew back with a message late at night that said:

Of course!

Izuku <3

I loved the little heart he drew next to his name. I soon was through town. Now I was running through the woods to the clearing. I arrived to see Izuku sitting in the same place as last time. Though instead of a book he held my note in his hands.

"Todo!" he said jumping up and running over to me. He jumped on me I almost fell over. He hugged my torso and wrapped his legs around my waist. Burrowing his face in my shoulder.

"It's been so long." he said in my ear.

"It's been only a week!" I laughed. He pulled his face away from my shoulder in shock. He leaned back on my hands that were wrapped around his back.

"A week can feel like years sometimes!" Izuku whined. I leaned him and give him a peck on the lips.

"I missed you too." I said making him smile. I then wrapped one of my arms completely around Izuku so I could move my other hand to the back of Izuku's head. I pushed his head towards me and put my lips on his. Izuku soon started to return the kiss. It started to get heated.I licked Izuku's bottom lip. He opened his mouth slowly and I stuck my tongue in his mouth. I heard him moan quietly as I moved my tongue around his mouth. He rubbed his tongue against mine which made me let out a quiet moan also. I felt Izuku smile into the kiss after that, happy he got a moan out of me. We soon pulled apart, both out of breath. 

Izuku smiled up at me. A slight blush across his face. I smile back and lean down and give him a quick peck.

"So what would you like to do today, love?" I asked him. He smiled wider then grabbed my hand and lead me through the woods. After a few minutes of jogging through the woods and into another field. This field though was covered in dozens of types of flowers.

"I want to show you one of my hobbies." he said.

"Which is?" I ask him staring at the field of flowers.

"Flower crown making!" he exclaimed. If he wasn't already innocent enough.

He then drags me to a small spot without flowers. In that small clearing was a small pile of flowers. He sat down and pat the area next to him. I sit down and look at him as he picks up a blue flower.

"I picked these this morning." I watched him as his hands began to weave the stems of the flowers together. I couldn't keep up. Izuku seemed lost in his weaving. I just stared at his hands as they moved around. 

It was about ten minutes later when Izuku had finished. He held out the blue flower crown.

"Ta-da!" he said. I give him a small applause which he giggled at.

"Bow your head!" he said, I obeyed. He then put his creation on my head.

"I now pronounce you king of Flower Town!" he declared. I then lift my head and Izuku is staring at me.

"So I'm the king?" I asked. He nods.

"Then what are you?" He then reached behind him and grabs a pink rose crown and puts it on his head.

"I'll be your queen!" he said happily. I smile at the happy boy.

I really want him as my queen... but would my father allow it...

"Todo?" Izuku asked.


"Your eyes just got really sad looking just then." Izuku said scooting closer to me.

"I'm fine don't worry!" I said poking his face. Izuku just laughs.

"Alright! But if there is anything! Anything! You need to talk about you can tell me!" Izuku said.

"Of course." I smiled.

"I love your smile." Izuku said. I stopped smiling and blushed bit, "Aww the smile's gone!" pouted Izuku which cause me to laugh a bit. Izuku smiled even wider.

"It's back!" Izuku said.

"You're such a kid!" I said.

"No I'm not! I am a mature 18 year old!" he huffed. I couldn't contain myself at that. I doubled over laughing.

"Hey stop it!" Izuku said shoving me and crossing his arm. I sit up straight and look at Izuku. He really did look like a child. Pouting face, crossed arms he even was wearing a flower crown!

I am the luckiest man alive to be able to call this angel my boyfriend. I cup my hand on the side of his face. My thumb rubbing under his eye.

"Come on! I want to see your smile now!" I moved closer to our cross-legged knees were touching.

"I refuse." Izuku said putting on a straight face.

"Please?" I said looking him right in the eyes. Doing what my mother called my 'puppy eyes'. And they worked. Izuku's face spread into a smile. I smiled too. I leaned in for a kiss. Izuku returned it. It was a nice and slow kiss. When we moved away our face stayed close. Our lips brushing against each other's slightly.

"Todo?" whispered Izuku.


"I-I love you." said so quiet I barely heard it. He closed his eyes. Was he expecting rejection?

"I love you too." I said. Izuku's eyes snapped open. He grabbed the sides of my face and pulled me in for a kiss. He kept kissing me. Smiling while he did it. When he stopped and pulled away I saw his face smiling, yet crying.

"What's wrong?" I said wiping away tears.

"I'm just happy. I had thought you'd think we were rushing in." he said as I wiped away his tears.

"Well, I don't. And I love you."

"Say it again." Izuku said excited.

"I love you."


"I love you!" I said laughing.

Izuku laughed with me, "I love you too." he said through the laughter.

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