Chapter 10

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Almost right away in the morning we were summoned into the kitchen. In there was my father. 

"This should be simple." he said when we walked in.

Getting right to the chase. I thought.

Izuku started to shake a bit so I grabbed his hand. My father pointed to the dishes. All clean. There was at least five hundred. 

"Take all of these two the upstairs kitchen. None can be scratched or dirty." he said. Izuku seemed to calm down.

"You have twenty minutes, and Shouto you may not help him." with that he left. Izuku stared at all of the shiny plates. I stepped back.

"You can do this." I told him. Not exactly knowing how to reassure him. Then I noticed a ticking. I look behind me and see a timer. 19 min 49 seconds. It was ticking down. Izuku then ran behind me grabbing a crate of potatoes. I stare as he barricades the doors open. I watch as he takes a deep breath, grabbing at least 10 plates.

He looks at me and I give him a reassuring smile. I sit on the crate not knowing what to do as he ran into the hallway. Not even twenty second he runs back in with a thumb up. I guess he was good. He kept running. He was in shape so I guess the running wasn't too bad. 

But around halfway through the plates and at 9 min 57 seconds, he was seeming to get tired. He thumbs up never left. So despite the running he didn't drop a plate. He started grabbing more and more. Going a bit slower trying not to drop any. 

After a bit there was only 3 plates left. Also only thirty seconds. He came in breathing heavily. Then he grabbed them and run faster than before and runs. Making it back twenty seconds later. smiling.

My father soon walked in. Izuku was leaning against my shoulder tired as I rubbed his shoulder. He nodded then we walked to the upstairs kitchen. I then realized how hard running and balancing plates upstairs must've been. My father nodded when he saw the clean plates stacked nicely together. 

(Time skip tralalalalal...)

Now we stood in the Throne room with my father. I look over and see Izuku. He looked really nervous. He leaned against me still, his breathing returned to normal. I would say I was calm, but I couldn't say I was. I was extremely nervous also.

He stared then he finally spoke, "Shouto, I'd like for you to leave." My eyes widened but I nodded and left. I saw a scared look on Izuku's face. But I had an idea.

I left and immediately darted to the maintenance room on this floor. I go in and it was full of brooms, rags and other cleaning utensils the maids and butlers used. I put past a pile of towels and see the cabinet. I open it and climb in. 

This cabinet was used for emergency escapes incase the palace was overtaken. It lead to almost every main room. Including the throne room. I climb around, using my memory to lead me. Soon I saw the light of the grate. I look through it and see Izuku standing in front of my father extremely nervous. I wanted to be down there to console him but I knew my father would want that.

" what are your intentions if you stay with my son?" my father said. Izuku looked up at him.

"W-well I love him so I plan on just trying to make him happy." he said. I smiled to myself. Izuku was too precious.

"Do you think you would be able to handle the needs of the kingdom?" he said. I thought my father was going to be just testing him. Not quizzing him.

"Yes." Izuku said sounding more confident. 

"Okay. Because the whole tree and plate ordeal was just to see if you were willing to do stuff for my son." my father said. 

"Well, I'm pretty sure I passed that. Because I may not seem like much but I am willing to do anything for Todo." I looked down at my boyfriend. I was too lucky to have him. But then my gaze fell upon my father. 

I almost felt all the blood rush out of my body. That was his disapproving look. Whenever he turned down new laws or workers that's what was on his face before he told them no.

I stared intently. Wanting to see what happened.

"Please go find my son." he said. I saw Izuku nod and walk away. I quickly shuffle out of the passageway. And out of the room. 

When I walk out I see Izuku almost right away, turning around the corner. 

"Your father wanted me to get you." he said. I run up to him and give him a kiss. I pulled away and stared into his eyes. He stared back confused. I then walk back hand in hand with Izuku. 

When we walk in my father still had that look on his face.

I took a deep breath and held Izuku's hand tighter.


(A/N :) )

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