Chapter 12

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(I'm dedicating this to everyone who's in the Let's Kill Todoroki's Dad Club...your comments are amazing XD)

I woke with a weight on my chest. I look down and see Izuku's sleeping face. I move my hand up through his hair getting rid of some of the grass in it. His eyes flutter open and he looks up at me. 

He sat up and yawned stretching his arms out above his head. I sat up and Izuku leaned his head on my shoulder.

"I guess we have to get moving..." Izuku said tiredly. I nod and he stands up along with me. I stretch up and hear the bones pop in my lower back. We then lean down and get our stuff together. We then begin walking back in the direction of All Might's kingdom.

Today we just walked not having to hurry. We were far away from my father's kingdom to feel safe. Izuku walked alongside me smiling the whole way. We occasionally had to stop and grab some water.

We sat down in between the trees, leaning against a fallen tree. He leaned against me, even though we were good and rested we just wanted to sit there. I had my arm wrapped around Izuku's shoulder as we sat there looking into the woods. 

I laughed every time Izuku called out every animal he saw. He all of a sudden jumped up then froze. 

"What is-" he shushed me and slowly pointed forwards and I looked at the fawn standing in the woods. It had it's head down in the grass eating. Izuku smiled. I slowly walked up to Izuku.

"Don't you see these all the time? You live in the woods." I whispered in his ear.

"Yeah... but they're still amazing to look at." Izuku whispered back. After that he slowly began to walk forward. About three feet away from the deer it's head snapped up. I stayed at a distance and watched and Izuku moved forward slowly. Looking away from the deer but with his hand outstretched. 

After a long minute of slowly walking Izuku's hand touched the side of the fawn's neck. I smiled as Izuku looked over to me, excitement clear on his face. With one hand he slowly waved me over. I walked a bit slow over to him. The small fawn stared up at me as Izuku grabbed my hand. He placed my hand against it's stomach. I stroked it's side as Izuku sat down by it's face.

The fawn leaned down and licked Izuku's face. He giggled as it licked his cheek. Soon we heard a snapping of twigs. We turned and saw a large female deer. The fawn ran over and the fawn and it's mother ran into the forest together. Izuku stared in wonder as they ran off.

"They usually run away before I could pet them!" he yelled excitedly. I smiled at my excited boyfriend. He then grabs my hand and we begin walking again. Izuku's smile never fading for a second. 

We stopped a couple of times but we kept walking. Soon it became dark. We needed to find a place to camp out. We walked around until we found a cave. We walked into it cautiously. It was a short opening. Just a curving into the mountain.

Izuku leaned against the wall of the cave and I began to make a fire. I for some reason always had a way with fire. I could make it fairly quickly and extinguish it just as quick. But right now I was focusing on the making. 

"Izuku could you go outside and grab some sticks?" I asked. He nodded and jumped up. Soon he ran back arms full of sticks and twigs. He put them down in front of me. I soon had created a small flame that spread throughout the twigs and sticks. 

After a while we were together next to my fire. Izuku was laying down on his side, his head on my thigh. His arms wrapped around my leg. He was just staring ahead into the fire. I looked down into his eyes and saw the small orange lights in his emerald eyes. 

One of my hands moved to his side and rubbed it. He rubbed his face into the side of my leg. Soon I heard small snores coming from Izuku. I look down and see him asleep. I move my hand up to the side of his face and rub his cheek. 

After a bit I slid down and used my bag as a pillow and Izuku's head moved up to my stomach. Still asleep. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep with Izuku. 


I woke up to a light shining in my eyes. Morning. Izuku was still asleep on my stomach, his hair covering his closed eyes. After a while I nudged Izuku awake. He soon woke up and looked up at me. 

"Good morning." he said happily. He stood up next to the smoldering fire and picked up his bag. I sat up as he gathered our stuff. 

"Why so excited?" I asked.

"We're almost there!" he said happily. I stood up and grabbed my bag. I stomped the fire out and we walked out of the cave. Izuku turned back and looked at me before taking off running. I smiled and ran after him. 

He nimbly dodged through the trees accustomed to being in the woods. We ran for almost an hour. Soon we had ran up a hill and collapsed breathing hard. 

After a bit Izuku sat up and looked into the distance. Soon I saw his eyes widen.

"Todo! Todo!" he yelled out pointing.

"What?" I asked.

"We're almost there!" I sat up and saw in the distance past rolling his a giant kingdom.

The All Might kingdom.

I smiled and stood up, having caught my breath. We got here quicker than I thought. We should be there in another hour.

Before I could take a step Izuku ran excited. I took a deep breath ready to run again. Good thing I was good at running for a long time. We kept running until we saw buildings. 

Then Izuku stopped.

"Where should we go?" he asked. I looked at him and thought. It was a bit risky.

"The king is supposed to be very merciful... we could go to him." I suggested. Izuku seemed to think on that for a bit. Then he nodded and we began walking towards the palace of All Might.

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