Surprising Vows - Albert Almora Jr.

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For -Ekblad5FLA

Aden's POV
Today was the day. Today I was finally getting married to the love of my life and honestly, I couldn't have been more nervous. It had nothing to do with cold feet but rather the fact that I was going to reveal to him in my vows that I'm pregnant with his child. I only found out about 2 weeks ago and decided this was the way I wanted to tell him. It was a big jump to take and now I'm paying the price for it.

I walk back and forth in my changing room, evening out my breathing as I hold my vows in my shaking hands. I knew he loved me but we are just now finally getting married. Does he even want a kid yet? What if this ruins everything? What if he calls off the wedding? Before I could ask myself more of what could go wrong, my mom walks in with a smile on her face and tears in her eyes. "It's time." She says wistfully and I swore my heart fluttered and sunk at the same time. There's no turning back now.

My heart pounded as I stood behind the doors with my dad. On the other side of those doors was my future. I look to my dad who gives me a comforting smile. I smile back only to have my attention change to the now opening doors. My dad and I linked arms as I held my breath. Once the doors were completely opened, my gaze met Albert's and the worry immediately left me. He loves me and I love him, he wouldn't have asked me to marry him if he didn't want a future with me. Why would he throw it away over something that was inevitably going to happen?

As I neared him, I could see his eyes watering with tears he was trying not to let fall. The sight alone nearly had me in tears as well. My father gave me away to Albert and once my hand was in his, my heart soared as if it was the first time I was meeting him all over again. He held my hands delicately, his thumb gently rubbing my hand. "You look so beautiful." He finally said, his voice cracking slightly as he tried his best not to cry. A tear slipped down my cheek as I smiled fondly at him. "Well hi to you,too." I replied, causing him to chuckle lightly.

Time flies and before we know it, it's time to read our vows. Albert goes first, causing me relief but also more anxiety for the long wait to read my own vows to him. "Aden, if someone told me when I first met you that I would be marrying you one day, I probably would have fought them for giving me high hopes. You were the most beautiful girl I ever met, and you definitely still are, and I was star struck as to how someone so amazing and unique would take the time to humor me and talk to me. Of course we had the honor of having the cliché of meeting by running into each other, literally, on the sidewalk near Wrigley. God, once I saw you I knew I needed to have you in my life or I would forever regret it. When you agreed to a date with me and gave me your number, I felt like a million bucks. The team would pick on me for days leading up to our date, calling me names like 'lover boy' and saying I was love sick but not once did it bother me. Deep down I knew it was all true, that I was catching feelings for you, fast. And when we finally went on that date, I knew we were going to be stuck together for a long time. Asking you to go on a date with me was the best decision I have ever made in my life, closely followed by asking you to marry me. There has not been a day I regret being with you and it will continue to be that way until my dying days." Albert finishes, tears rolling down his cheeks along with me and everyone else in the building.

My heart pounds as I shakily unfold my vows knowing that what I was about to reveal could possibly change everything. "Albert, when I first met you, I thought you were an absolute idiot for running into me." I began, causing everyone to laugh. "But then, I looked at you and I could picture a future with you. Never have I once had that same connection with anyone else than I did when we ran into each other. On our date, I immediately opened up to you, and felt safe telling you everything about me. I trusted to let you into my life and I have not once regretted it. And you asking me to marry you? I honestly thought I was dreaming when it happened. I never thought I could be this happy just by having one person in my life but you proved me wrong, like you continuously do everyday. We've had some rough patches but even during those times, I didn't love you any less than I did the day before. If anything, I loved you more. We have always agreed to never keep secrets from each other and you have definitely kept that promise, but, I haven't. Now I know this day was supposed to be special, mostly the reason being that it's our wedding day, obviously, but I do have something to tell you that I have been keeping from you for a couple of weeks now..." Albert looked at me with worry in his eyes, tears from listening to my vows before still on his cheeks. I could feel the anticipation in the room coming from everyone there as they sat on the edge of their seats. "Albert, babe... I'm pregnant..." I finally said, failing to hide the smile growing on my face. Albert's face immediately glowed with joy, a huge smile on his face. He picked me up and spun me around, holding me close.

I let out a laugh, fresh tears falling into my face and onto his tuxedo jacket. When he put me down, he looked into my eyes and I could see all of the love he had for me in his. "I love you and our baby so much. I promise I will be the best father there is to our child." He whispered seriously. All I could do was smile, relief didn't even begin to explain how I felt.

The service continued and we finally got to the moment everyone has been waiting for. "Albert Almora Jr., do you take Aden Rizzo (no relation lmao) to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" The officiate asked. "I do." Albert answered, not looking away from my eyes. "And do you, Aden Rizzo, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" The officiate asked me. "I do." I nodded with a smile. "Then from this day forward, I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." With out hesitation, Albert placed both his hands on my hips, pulled me towards him, and passionately kissed me. All of the cheers faded out as it was just me and him in this moment. And also our future child.

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