Flirt - Kris Bryant (HS au)

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For -Daniela9503

Daniela's POV
Being a senior in high school was a new feeling for me. We started school about a month ago and I still couldn't get over the fact that this is the last year I'll have to deal with rude teachers, stuck up bitches, and watching the guy I love never even notice how I feel. I was currently in love with my best friend, Kris Bryant. He's amazing, smart, hilarious, fun to be around, and such an optimistic person. I've been stuck with him since middle school, where we met during lunch on our first day as 6th graders. He saw I didn't have a lunch a split his sandwich with me and since then, we've been inseparable. And then freshmen year came along where we met our mutual best friend, Anthony Rizzo. Anthony found out sophomore year that I liked Kris as more than a friend and he made it his sole duty to get us together before we all graduated. As junior and now senior year came along, my feelings for Kris grew and so did Rizzo's desperation to hook us up. When I asked about his obsession with us, he shrugged, saying it was so he didn't have to watch us undress each other with our eyes anymore, but I knew he was doing it because he cared about us.

Recently, Anthony has been become more and more urgent with getting us together, knowing that this was his last year to do it. We all knew Kris was heading off to the big leagues when he graduated high school. He was the star athlete and a baseball god around here. Nobody was the least bit surprised when he told us that scouts had been watching him at some recent games he played in. I was happy for him and his future, but this meant that senior year was my last chance to confess or I'd live to regret is as I watch him become a star baseball player, moving around the country to play in different states.

Currently, I was at my locker, gathering up my stuff so I could leave school since it was the end of the day. That's when an excited Anthony ran up to me, a huge smile on his face. "What's up with you?" I asked, shoving a text book into my backpack to use for homework. "I have a plan to get you and Kris together!" He nearly yelled. I immediately placed my hand over his mouth, my eyes wide. "Would you tone it down? There's other people here." I hissed. He nodded, letting me know it was safe to remove my hand. "Okay so, I was thinking, what if we made him jealous?"  Rizzo began. "Jealous? How can we even be sure he actually likes me, Tony? He won't get jealous if he doesn't even feel the same way I do." I roll my eyes, closing my locker and leaning against it. "God, you're the most oblivious person I ever met. Of course he likes you!! I've known he's liked you since freshmen year, dumbass, it's so obvious!" He replied, a bit annoyed with me. "Ya ya, whatever you say, Anthony." I shrugged, not wanting to believe him. "Anyway, so, we make him jealous. I was thinking that when he's around, we'll flirt with each other until he gets mad to the point where he has no chance but to make a move!" Tony explains enthusiastically. "And what if this backfires?" I ask, arms crossed across my chest. "It won't, trust me."

The next day is when the plan would go into play. I was at my locker putting my stuff I brought home yesterday into my locker while Kris talked to me about his baseball practice the other day. I was confused half the time he would talk about practice but I loved listening to him talk about the things he loves to do and to watch his eyes glow with excitement as he went over all the fun parts of it. "So I made a diving catch, threw it to second, and they threw it to first, and it was a double play. It was awesome! It was all instincts though. I have no idea how I caught that ball but I'm not going to question it any further." He finished, a smile on his face. "That's amazing, Kris! You're going to do great things some day." I smiled up at him happily. I saw something flicker in his eyes as his expression became serious while he looked into my eyes with a certain intensity. I looked at him in confusion, about to question him when I felt an arm go around my shoulders. Kris and I both snapped out of whatever that was to look at Rizzo.

"What's up, Kris? Hey, beautiful." He greeted the both of us, sending me a wink as he said hi to me. Kris knitted his eyebrows in confusion at Anthony's comment, but didn't have time to react as he continued. "So, what are we taking about?" He asked, pulling me closer into his side. "Uh...." Kris mumbled, looking at Rizzo's arm around me. "We were talking about Kris' practice yesterday." I cut in for him. "Yeah, why didn't you show up?" Kris asked, looking away from Anthony's arm and at him. "I was hanging out with my favorite girl, so I told coach I wasn't going to make it." Anthony made up, kissing my forehead. "Is there something I should know about?" Kris wondered right after the kiss, a hint of anger in his voice. "What do you mean? I'm just showing appreciation for my best friend, right, Daniela?" Rizzo turned the question towards me, catching me off guard. "Uh.. ya! Totally!" I recollected myself quickly, nodding at them both.

After school, we all went to my place, knowing my parents were at Vegas for the weekend for their anniversary. We all piled onto the couch in the living room, immediately turning on the TV. Kris quickly snatched the remote from my hand and turned on ESPN to watch a baseball game currently on. "Oh, really?" I said with a laugh. He nodded while laughing as well. "Sorry, it's a little more important than your detective shows you watch." He shrugged with a smirk. I rolled my eyes but smiled to myself, knowing I would've let him watch whatever he wanted anyway. While the game continued, Rizzo put his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I looked at him in confusion, forgetting the whole 'make kris jealous' thing for a moment. Rizzo winked playfully, making me finally realize the plan. I gave him a small nod before resting my head on his shoulder and watching the game. I could see Kris in the corner of my eye look at my waist, then at my head on Anthony's shoulder, before shaking his head. He got up, and walked into the kitchen silently. I looked up at Anthony as he looked down at me with a smile. "It's go time." He whispered. I nodded, my heart pounding as I sat up and walked towards the kitchen to confront Kris. When I walked in, I saw him with his back to me, both hands on the counter with his head hung, as if he was thinking.

"Kris?" I asked shakily. He turned around in surprise. "Oh, uh, hey." He murmured, leaning against the counter. "Are... you ok?" I wondered, worried about if I went too far. Kris only shrugged, looking down at the ground. A million thought went through my head as I looked at him. I walked over to him so that I was standing directly in front of him. "Look I'm sorry, ok? It was Anthony's idea. He thought that if we 'flirted' that you would get jealous which doesn't make sense because you don't even like me that way and-" he cut me off by grabbing my hips, pulling me against him, and smashing his lips to mine. He kissed me as if he wouldn't be able to do it again. I could hear the front door close as Anthony probably left but I could care less as I continued to kiss Kris.

When we pulled away, we were both smiling. "I forgive you." He whispered. I let out a breathless laugh before leaning up and kissing him again. I'm gonna have to thank Anthony later.

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