The Look - Anthony Rizzo

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For -Lydy101

Lydia's POV

Being in love with your best friend was a weird occurrence, especially when you were positively sure he did not feel the same towards you. The team would always tell me when he wasn't around, that Anthony was in love with me. Every time they said it though, I would immediately deny it, not understanding how someone like him could ever be in love with someone like me. He was pure perfection and I was just the human version of a mess.

Tony and I were practically attached at the hip, doing everything together. We've known each other since we were young, being neighbors and playing together. We stuck together all throughout school and through Tony's drafts. And once he was drafted to the big leagues, he suggested I come along as a mental health assistant. Of course I questioned him on what that means and he only said 'you're here to keep my happy.' So, I never questioned him on it again after that. Now here we were, years later with the Cubs who are basically like my second family. And currently, we were bickering like one. Tony and Kris had gone out to get some snacks as we all chilled in Rizz's house, waiting for their return. Everyone was seated in the living room, sitting where they could squeeze in. I sat in Rizzo's arm chair, mostly due to the fact I'm the only person he lets sit in it, plus it's comfy. The boys are all joking around, commenting on some past games when the topic of me and Rizzo suddenly comes up.

"So, Lydia? Anthony finally pop the question?" Addi asks, holding up his left hand and wiggling his ring finger. I roll my eyes at the question. "We aren't even dating, addi, so no he hasn't, and he never will." I answer, a small blush on my cheeks. The guys all laugh, as if they know something I don't. "What?" I ask obliviously. "Wait you weren't joking? You guys seriously aren't dating?" Zobrist asks, everyone immediately settling down. "No? Why would you think I was joking?" I question suspiciously. The guys all look at each other and back at me. Schwarbs speaks up, "well, you both are always acting like a couple I mean you literally kiss each other on the cheeks and cuddle with each other while watching movies. Plus you both give each other that look all the time." He shrugs. "What look?" I press on, my heart pounding. Silence falls once again. "Like you mean the world to each other and couldn't live with out the other." Javy says softly followed by the team nodding in agreement. My stomach flutters at those words and for a brief moment, I'm convinced Tony feels the same as I do, but then I sink back to reality. "No, he doesn't look at me like that. It's probably just me, I'm sure you guys got confused." I shake my head. They all sigh in unison, causing me to look at them questioningly. "If anything, he looks at you like you're the sun and stars. He truly does love you, Lydia. We all see it and it's about time you do too." Willy states. I look at the team, seeing the same intense look in their eyes as they try to convince me once and for all.

I open my mouth to speak when the front door opens. Kris walks in with a bag of groceries followed by Anthony with his own bag. My heart does a flip when his eyes meet mine and he gives me a bright smile. I immediately think back to the conversation that just took place moments before they walked in. Everyone follows Rizzo and KB into the kitchen to help unpack groceries and to call dibs on the different snacks as I stand up and head upstairs. Once upstairs, I go into Rizzo's room and walk across it to the balcony at the other side. I open the double doors, step outside, and close them behind me. I relish in the feeling of the wind, closing my eyes as I lean against the railing. A million thoughts begin to run through my head. Does he love me? Should I say something? What if I tell him how I feel but he really doesn't feel the same? Could I live forever with just being his friend? My thoughts are abruptly cut off by the sound of the balcony door opening behind me. I open my eyes to see someone standing beside me and I immediately knew it was Tony, mainly from the safe feeling that immediately overcame me.

I look over at him to see he's already looking at me. "How'd you know I was up here?" I ask. Rizz shrugs. "You come up here to think and it seemed like you had something on your mind when KB and I got here. What's up?" He nudges my shoulder with his own. I look down with a sigh, feeling tears begin to prick at my eyes. "Lyd?" Anthony asks in worry as he puts an arm around my shoulder. I look up at him, my heart pounding. "I'm in love with you and it terrifies me because I don't deserve you and I never will, plus, I sit here and hope you feel at least a little bit of what I feel towards you yet I know it's impossible." I let out, letting a few tears fall. Rizzo only looks at me in shock, practically frozen in place. "You.... you love me?" He whispers. I can only nod my head, too scared to speak any more. A smile immediately overtakes him and he crashes his lips to mine before I can question it. I freeze for a moment, taken aback by it but I finally kiss him back, my heart fluttering as my mind goes into a frenzy. He feels the same. He actually feels the same.

We pull away from the kiss, both of us breathless and smiling like idiots. "I love you." Be both say at the same time, causing us both to laugh. A look of seriousness passes on his face. "Lydia, I truly do love you, more than you know. I don't know how in the world you got to thinking that you don't deserve me but in all honesty, it's completely the opposite. But-!" He says, holding a finger up as he sees me open my mouth to argue, "that's a discussion for another time. Just know that I'm completely and hopelessly in love with you and I wouldn't have it any other way." He smiles, his eyes shining with the look I could never place before but now I was more familiar with it than ever. The look of love.

After we spent another couple of minutes on the balcony, we decide to head inside. As we open the balcony doors, the guys all fall to the ground in front of our feet in a pile. I look at them in shock. "Were you assholes listening to our conversation?" I asked in fake disappointment. They all nodded from their spots on the ground. I only shake my head, grabbing Tony's hand in mine and stepping over the boys to start heading down toward the kitchen. "WE TOLD YOU HE GAVE YOU THE LOOK!" I hear Addison yell after us. I only laugh as I look back at Rizzo who could only stare at me with all the love in the world, and that's when I knew that I should probably listen to the boys more.

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