Only My Opinion - Javier Baez

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For -Emily_Baez9

Emily's POV

Growing up in a Cardinals family was hard. Especially when you're the black sheep of the family and constantly root for the Cubs. My parents never agreed with my love for the Cubs but they let me have my moments and ignored my cheers towards the team. But once I moved into my own place, the feud began. Any time I went over to visit, we would always end up arguing over each other's teams. At this point, I didn't really think things could get worse, but then I met the love of my life, Javier Baez. Yep. That's right. The cubs short stop and second baseman, along with other positions depending on the days

We met during my first Cubs game when I happened to get lost somewhere in the stadium a while after the game. Javy ended up finding me and suggesting he take me on a tour, just so I wouldn't get lost next time I came. This turned into a lunch date and eventually, we started dating. I couldn't be any happier with any one else. I love him and I never doubt he loves me as well. Although, I haven't brought him to meet my parents due to the fact that they hate the Cubs more than anything else in the world. Recently, Javy has been practically begging me to take him to meet my parents, insisting that if we have been dating for 5 months, it's past due. I knew I couldn't avoid the meeting forever so I called my parents and they agreed to meet him this weekend. And boy did the weekend come faster than anticipated...

It was now Saturday, the day I take Javy to meet my parents and to say the least, I was nearing a panic attack. I had a feeling in my chest that this would all somehow go wrong. My parents were very much aware of who my boyfriend was and have voiced their opinions on my relationship countless of times. I never told Javy any of these things, not wanting to worry him or scare him away, but now that I'm pulling into my parents driveway, I regret not saying anything. I put the car in park and let out a sigh as Javy begins to take off his seatbelt. He shows no worry towards the upcoming meeting, but once he sees my expression, I see his confidence wavers. "Babe? Is everything alright? You seemed pretty stressed on the way over." He says with concern. I nod but once I look into his eyes, I know I have to say something. "Jav... when we go in there, I want you to know that my parents may seem rude towards you and I promise it has nothing to do with you. My parents are really big cardinals fans and have hated the Cubs probably since birth, so any negative feelings from them goes towards the team, not you as a person. Please understand that." I warn him as I hold his hand. Javier only chuckles. "Cariño, I'm sure there is nothing to worry about. I doubt they hate my team so much to the point they'll hate me with out even knowing me yet. It'll work out, ya?" He tries to comfort me. I give him a small nod and smile but the smile never reached my eyes. He had no idea....

Once we walk into my parents home, Javy is immediately shaking my moms hand and then my dads. He had his charming smile on, greeting my parents respectfully. I could already see in their faces they weren't having any of it. Instead, they brushed past him and greeted me with hugs and kisses, asking how I've been. I give Javy an apologetic look, but he only shakes his head, indicating that he was fine. We all walk into the living room and sit down on the couches. We carried on multiple conversations and everything seemed to be going well until the topic up baseball was accidentally brought up. "You play for the Cubs, correct?" My dad asks Javier. Javy nods proudly. "Yes sir, I do." I feel my heart begin to pound, already not liking this conversation. "So you think because you were 'good' enough to get on the Cubs that you're good enough to be with our daughter?" My dad basically growls. Javy looks taken aback and I begin to speak up when Javy beats me to it. "Actually, sir, I don't think I'll ever be good enough for your daughter. She's one of a kind and I don't deserve her but I will definitely treat her the best I can as long as she will have me." Javy replies. My heart flutters but the tender moment was short lived.

"You're right about that. You hardly deserve our daughter. We're still shocked she could even settle for you. I mean, do you even have enough to provide for her? I'm sure you don't make much income with the cubs, especially with your position on the field and your performance." My mom chimes in. My mouth is open in shock. I look at Javy to see the same look of shock on his own face. He tries to recollect himself. "W-well, I-" he stammers, only for my mom to continue. "I can assure you we've tried multiple times to lean her towards getting with an actual professional baseball player but she always settles for less. And she's kept you for this long? It's definitely disappointing to us but if she wants to ruin her own life by staying with you, then so be it." My mom ends her rant, taking a sip of her wine she had out for when we got here.

The tension in the room is thick. And the silence only makes me aware of my rapid heart beat. Anger was all I felt in this moment. "You guys are actual assholes, you know that? I try to make a happy life of myself and you have to go and ruin it like you always do. If you're going to keep acting this way towards my boyfriend just because of the uniform he wears, then you can expect to not hear from me until you apologize to Javier and accept the fact that I love him." I snap. Before my parents could reply, I grab Javy's hand and drag him out the house and to the car. We sit in the car in silence for a few moments, both of us trying to figure out what to say. "Javy, I am so sorry about them. Anything they have said to you today, I beg of you not to believe them." I begin, facing him as I grab both of his hands in my own. He looks at me sadly, a gesture to let me know he was listening. My heart nearly broke at the emotions swimming in his dark eyes. This only made my anger towards my parents grow.

"Earlier, when you said you didn't deserve me, you couldn't have been more wrong. If anything, you deserve better than me. You constantly support me in everything I do, you provide me with anything I want, even if I insist that you don't need to get me anything. You always make sure I'm okay and you put my needs before your own, as much as I hate it. You never fail to make me the happiest girl in the world, you always make me laugh, and you continuously show me how much you love me so that I never doubt you for a second. I don't think I could ever ask for a better boyfriend, if there even is one out there better than you. You are constantly surprising me with all the love you show me, and you somehow never expect it in return. You are so selfless, kind, smart, funny, and loving. If my parents don't see in you what I see, then screw them! No ones opinion of my love towards you matters than my own.  They don't even have an idea of how much you mean to me, so why let their poor judgement question our relationship? I love you, Javier Baez, and I will continue to love you no matter what my parents say."

By the end of that, both of our eyes are watering. I could see the love shining in his eyes as he looks at me. Javy goes to open his mouth to say something, but instead, shakes his head and crashes his lips into mine for a passionate kiss. This kiss showed me everything he felt towards me and more. When we pulled away, we rested our foreheads against each other. "You have no idea how insanely in love with you I am." He whispers, his accent strong, causing my stomach to churn in the best way. "Now, lets go home and trash talk the cardinals." He smiles, grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers as I start the car. "Ya, you're definitely a keeper..." I say sarcastically, my heart racing with the happiness I was feeling. With a peck to my boyfriends cheek, I drive us home, no longer worried of what my parents think of my boyfriend because in the end, when on the subject of me being with Javy, only my own opinion matters.

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