Surprise - Anthony Rizzo

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For -aaronsjudge  (sorry this took so long!! Hope you enjoy 💕)

Maddie's POV

Being engaged to a baseball player was hard, especially during away games. Despite me telling him that I was more than happy to go with him, Rizzo decided it was best for me to stay home since his next 3 series were away games. He felt it was a long time to be away from home and that it'd be better if I stayed back and kept an eye on things. I knew he didn't really want me to stay home but he didn't want to drag me to three different states for the games, although I loved traveling with him and the team.

It was the fourth day of being home alone and I already missed him. I watched all the games and we would call each other immediately afterwards just so we can hear each other's voice for the day. During today's game, however, something seemed to be up with him. Anytime the camera would catch even a small glimpse of Rizzo in the background, I could see he wasn't as bubbly as usual and seemed down. This mood showed in his at bats as well, as he struck out almost every time besides a single he had. The boys won despite this, but I was worried about my fiancé. After the game ended, I texted Anthony, asking if everything was alright. He only said yes and that he would talk to me later. Of course, I wasn't satisfied with the answer and instead called Kris.

The line rang for a second before Kris picked it up. "Maddie? What's up?" He asked, confusion laced in his voice. "Hey, KB. I know I don't usually call but I was watching the game today and something seemed up with Tony. Is he alright?" I asked worried. The line was silent for a moment before I heard him sigh. "Not really. He's been pretty down since we left. I'd say it's homesickness but really he just misses you. This'll be the longest you guys will have been away from each other in months and he's not liking it too much." Kris replied honestly. My heart sunk at his words while I stayed silent, taking it in. "To be honest, I don't think he's gonna get any better in the next couple of games. You're his good luck charm after all, as he puts it. You usually come to almost every game." KB continued, causing me to get an idea. "Hey, Kris? If I were to tell you my plan right now, you wouldn't tell Rizzo, would you?" I asked. "No, why? What are you thinking?" He questioned curiously. "I think I should surprise him at the game tomorrow, maybe stay for the rest of the away games?" I suggested hesitantly.

"I think that's amazing! He would love that so much, Maddie! You have to get over here." Kris immediately agreed excitedly. "Okay, okay! I'm buying my ticket now. I should be over there sometime after the game has started." I laugh at his excitement. "Alright, cool. I'll let security know so you can get into the dugout and stuff." He offered to which I thanked him. We talked a little bit afterwards before saying our goodbyes and hanging up. My heart began to race in anticipation as I began to pack my things for the trip. I couldn't wait to see Anthony, I just hope he's as excited to see me as I am him.

The next morning, I immediately got up at my alarm and began to get ready, throwing on my blue World Series Rizzo jersey with some shorts since it is hot after all. I put on some makeup, made sure I had my last minute things packed, and headed to the airport, ready to see my fiancé. The flight seemed to last longer than it was due to my excitement but before I know it, we're landing in Milwaukee. I practically run off the plane, trying not to run into anyone in the process. I walk outside and see a familiar car already waiting for me. The trunk opens and I put my suit case in before getting into the passenger seat and facing a smiling Jessica Bryant. "You're finally here, oh my god!" She screams, hugging me tightly across the console in between us. I laugh as I hug her back. "Hey, Jess. I miss you too!"

Jess drove us to the stadium as quickly as she could, understanding my desperation to finally see Rizzo. Once she's parked, I immediately take my seat belt off, open the car door, and run towards the stadium, not caring that I left Jessica in the dust as I heard her laughing behind me. I ran through security, showing them my ID as quickly as possible before heading towards the clubhouse. I walked inside, briefly stopping at Rizzo's temporary cubby to see a picture of me and him stuck to the inside with some sticky tack. I smile softly, my heart fluttering at the thought of him putting that up before the game. I shake my head and run up the stairs to the dugout. I peek around the corner to see Anthony sitting toward the middle of the bench beside KB and Almora. My heart pounds in excitement as it sinks in that I'm here with him finally. Joe Maddon briefly turns around to see me, giving me a soft smile before quickly turning back to watch the game, not trying to give away my presence. I take a breath before stepping up the final step and into the dug out. I walk over to where Rizzo is, seeing that KB is talking to him so that he isn't paying attention and doesn't see me coming. Almora smiles at me and scoots over so there's space beside Anthony. I give him a nod before sitting down in between the two. I wrap an arm around Tony's waist and rest my head on his shoulder.

I feel him jump in surprise before looking down at me. "Maddie!" He practically screams before standing up, bringing me with him, and grabbing me into a bear hug. I laugh into his chest, wrapping my arms tightly around him and breathing in his scent. God I missed him. We pull away from the hug only for him to lean down and place his lips on my own. The guys begin to wolf whistle and holler, causing me to smile and laugh into the kiss. I'm the first to pull away, not wanting it to get to heated in front of the team. "What are you doing here?" Rizz asks, sitting down with me and wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "I called Kris the other day to see what was wrong with you and decided that we've spent too much time apart and that I should surprise you, so, surprise!" I smile. He shakes his head in disbelief before kissing my forehead. "Babe, as much as I'm happy I'm finally here, Kris is going up to bat so you gotta get out there." I say reluctantly as I watch Kris walk up the plate and take a few practice swings. "Ya ya, I know" Tony sighs before kissing my cheek one more time and grabbing his things. He goes to the on deck circle and begins to take some practice swings.

KB ends up hitting a double on the second pitch, meaning it was Anthony's turn. I can feel the anticipation coming from the team, as if my presence here truly is going to get Anthony out of his slump. The first pitch is thrown and it's a ball. My heart is hammering against my chest as I watch, nervous for the outcome knowing that there are two outs while we trail by a small run of 1. The second pitch is a strike and this does nothing to settle my nerves. I stand up and walk to the dugout fence, standing against it as I watch more closely. The third pitch is thrown, my heart sinks as it curves in the air, but Anthony hits it as hard as he can and it goes flying across the field and into the stands. A no-doubter. We all stand up, screaming and cheering with the rest of the crowd as KB runs in followed by my fiancé. They high five, both of them smiling, before jogging to the dugout. I wait patiently as everyone high fives Rizzo until he finally gets to me. Instead of saying anything, he takes off his helmet and crashes his lips to mine. I smile softly into the kiss as the team wolf whistles once again. I hear the fans going crazy all over again, but not because of the home run. We pull away and I briefly glance behind Tony to see us on the big screen, causing me to blush as I hide my face in his chest. I feel his chest rumble as he laughs at my embarrassment.

Anthony lifts my chin up so I'm looking at him. "I love you, Tony." I whisper. "I love you, too, Maddie. This was the best surprise ever." And needless to say, we swept the series.

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