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'four years. four damn years and i can't stop thinking about her'

"mike! come down here!"

mike groaned, dragging his body off his bed. he finally stood up after three of his mother's calls. he would have done it earlier, but he was so tired, it seemed an impossible job. his whole body felt numb. all of his weight was on his feet. he felt like he couldn't move.

he lazily walked to his bathroom, switching the light on. he squinted his eyes as soon as the bright light hit his face. it had probably been... two? two days since he had lived in the darkness?

he looked at the mirror, a figure of a teenager reflecting back. the truth was, he didn't even recognize himself, no one did, actually. dark bags under his eyes and his hair being messier than ever were features that completely changed his usual aspect.

but nothing was usual about himself. he didn't even know if he could find 'usual' in his life anymore.

he turned on the tap, cupped his hands and let the freezing water fill the gap. as soon as it did, he lowered his head and splashed it onto his face. he slightly gasped at the temperature and looked back up at the mirror, finding a much more awake mike.

he grabbed a towel and dried his face before turning the switch off and returning to his bedroom.

he grabbed his infamous watch and placed it on his wrist. before leaving, he took one last glance at the numbers that were on his watch.



he walked down the stairs, looking around once he got to the living room. as he saw no one there, he made his way towards the kitchen.

"mom! what do you-"

he instantly froze seeing an oh so familiar face he hadn't seen in a while. a person who was always there for him on his darkest nights, until she left for college. and once again, he started feeling alone.


nancy smiled widely and they both met in the middle of the kitchen, sharing a warm and so needed embrace.

karen softly smiled in awe at the siblings' reunion.

"w- what are you doing here?" he asked, both pulling away.

"i thought i could stay here for a few weeks! wow michael, you've grown up, you frogface!"

mike chuckled, hugging her again. this time they stood there for a little. nancy knew how much he needed it.

"i've missed you" he whispered.

"i've missed you too. believe me."

they pulled away.

"hey, how about we go and get some coffee?" she asked.


"so, how are you doing?" she asked, taking the cup to her lips and taking a sip of the hot drink.

mike shrugged, fiddling with his cup.

nancy looked down.

"mom said you're a mess" she pursed her lips together, containing her tears from spilling.

it was his brother who was feeling like this. it tore her apart see him so fucked up.

"yeah, mom doesn't know how i feel" he scoffed.

"neither mom or dad have ever cared about me. or you. they don't try and talk to me or help me." he said "but it's okay, they can't help anyway" he chuckled.

nancy looked up at him, he was looking down at his coffee.

"mike you need to try and get-"

"no, nance! please don't be like the rest. you think i didn't try? huh? you know how difficult it is to get over her when everything reminds me of her? you think i haven't made out with other girls to try and forget her and then felt terrible?" he exclaimed.

nancy just stared at him with parted lips.

"i'm done trying. it's been four years. four damn years and i can't stop thinking about her" he almost whispered, tears threatening to spill.

nancy stretched her arm and grabbed his hand.

"i'm going to try my best to help you out okay? if you want to talk, we'll talk. if you don't, we won't. i'm your sister. i'm here for you. but please, promise you'll put as much effort as i do"

he looked up at her with watery eyes.

he slowly nodded.

"okay" he whispered.

"okay. i will"

nancy smiled and nodded.

"hey, your watch. needs new battery, huh?" he pointed at his watch and took another sip of her coffee.

he chuckled.

"no actually. it's just a pretty important hour for me. brings back memories" he smiled.

nancy lifted her eyebrows and nodded, smiling at him.

"how are the boys?"

"well, you know. like always i guess. they try and help me a lot. max and lucas are still together-"

"dustin still loves chocolate pudding?" she asked chuckling.

mike laughed.


laughing felt good.

"yeah, of course nancy, we're talking about dustin here"


yayyyy! first chapter is up! I will update mondays and thursdays:) thank you for reading and i'll see you guys in my next update. leave your thoughts in the comments:) thanks for reading!


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