Ch. 19

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"Time to get up!" I said loudly standing at Mariana's door.

"No please let me sleep longer." her voice was muffled by her pillow.

"Nope, we have things to do today. Get up."

She groaned, "ugh."

"Hey no attitude miss thing, you're too young for that. Plus today is a family day, it will be fun." She sat up. "promise?" she asked. "promise," I said, "get dressed in a pair of shorts and whatever shirt you want, also no flip flops."

I left and went to Jesus room, I knocked on the door then went in. "Hey handsome," I said as he sat up. "we are going to have a family day today so I need you up and in shorts, a shirt and tennis shoes please. can you do that?" he shook his head yes and I kissed his forehead then left the room.

"Are the kids getting ready?" Lena asked while putting Callie in a outfit.

"Yes, hopefully they will be done soon so we can get going." I walked over to her and the baby. "how did we get so lucky to have three incredible kids?"

She looked up, "I don't know, but I'm guessing it's how I got lucky meeting you."

I leaned down and kissed her lips, "you're just saying that. I'm going to put the stroller in the car." I kissed the top of her head and left.

"Okay everyone lets go! Load up in the car!" I yelled up the stairs. Jesus and Mariana came running down and I smiled at them. Then came Lena with the baby and the diaper bag. I walked over to her, "come here little one." I took Callie out of her hands and kissed her head.

"Everything's packed?" Lena asked me I shook my head yes waking towards the front door. "the stroller? snacks? drinks?"

"Yes love, now lets get going." I turned around and walked out the door. Once everyone was loaded up we headed out.

"Mama where are we going?" Mariana asked Lena after being in the car for about 30 minutes.

"It's a surprise, but we'll be there soon."

I turned left then pulled into a parking lot, "okay sweets, we are here." I looked in the review mirror and their faces lit up.

"The zoo? I love the zoo!" Jesus practically hollered.

"Yes I know buddy, let's go." I opened the door and helped him and Mariana out while Lena got Callie. Then I grabbed the stroller from the back and opened it for her to put the baby in and I put the diaper bag and snack in the basket of the stroller.

"Okay you two have to stay close to mommy and me, okay? no running off. If you can't do that you'll have to hold onto the stroller or my hand." Lena said as we started walking up to the entrance. They shook their heads.

I was pushing the stroller and Lena was walking next to me while the kids were in front of us. We went and saw all their favorite animals and now were about to get ice cream. We were standing in line when a girl beside us that was about in her 20's bent down to look at Callie, "she is adorable! how old is she?"

"She is five months," Lena answered.

"Aww, which one of you does she belong to?" The girl asked, not really trying to be nosey, but she was curious. And it was a good question. She was a little darker skinned like Lena but definitely had my eyes and nose.

"She is ours," I said. causing her to look up.

"Oh y'all are together? like partners?" I could take she was just wondering, and not trying to be rude or pry.

"Yes," I looked at Lena and gave her a smile and grabbed her hand, "we are actually married."

"Wow that's great to here." I looked at her puzzlingly, "I'm gay and it's just great to see a married gay couple, specially with kids. I don't even know you and ya'll are an inspiration. It really helps me with looking forward for the future and not really being scared and I can tell this little cutie is y'all's biological daughter, iI'm guessing."

"I'm glad we could be an inspiration to you, that is great to here. and yes we had her eggs mixed with someone who is African American and I carried her." Lena said with a glow to her.

"That is just amazing. You two have made my day. Thank you um.. what's your names?"

"I'm Stef," I put out my hand to shake hers and she shook mine, "and this is my wife Lena," she shook Lenas hand. "those two are Jesus and Mariana, are children," she looked at them and smiled, "and this is Callie."

"I'm Melanie. It was nice to meet all of you! I really have to go now though, sorry for keeping you!" she smiled then walked off. I looked at Lena and squeezed her and smiled.

"Well lets get ice cream!" Lena said knowing the kids have been waiting forever.


I pulled back the covers and put the throw pillow on the ground. "Today was needed and it was a great idea honey."

"I agree, and I'm pretty smart, what can I say?" Stef said cocky.

"Oh I'm so lucky," I laughed messing with her. We both laid down and snuggled up close to each other.

She wrapped her arm around me pulling me closer and kissed my shoulder, "it was strange to run into that girl, yes?"

"Yeah it was. But I'm glad we were helpful for her and an inspiration."

"Yes, it's nice to know that." she kissed my shoulder again then we went to sleep.


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