Chapter 13

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Sasuke's POV

Its been almost a week since I went to Donzo for information.

Its been snowing for about two days now and the information he gave me was still processing in my head.

I almost can't believe any of it.

"Sasuke, are you sure you can get what Donzo wants?" Asked Karin.

"Yes, I'll be killing two birds with one stone." I told her.

I stay true to my word. I'll bring him the dead corpse.


Third POV

"Your presence alone calms down our people." Himeko says happily feeding her 1 and a half year-old daughter.

Amaterasu stays silent.

"How is your training going?" Himeko asks changing the subject.

"... Its going well." Tera answers going back to eating her food.

Himeko sighs.

"You're mad with me aren't you?"

Tera calmly puts her chopsticks down and looks straight at her sister.

"I asked you for two weeks Himeko. Why couldn't you just leave me alone for those two weeks, and don't say its because of the clan, because they were clearly understanding with me."

This time Himeko became silent and wiped the corner of her daughter's lips with trembling hands.

"Why did you lie to me?" Tera spoke again.

Himeko swallowed a lump in her throat.

"I don't know what you mean." She answered fighting back tears.

"Why can't you ever answer the questions I ask you?" Tera asked standing up from her spot and started walking back to the direction of her room. "I always have to be the one to answer you."

"Why can't you ever stay still? Why do I always have to be the one that worries about your safety?" Himeko countered in a wavering voice making Tera stop in her tracks. "Why can't you ever listen to me when I tell you that you're safe here. You don't have to leave this place. You belong here."

"Tinami, please take Ayami to her room. I have to speak with my sister privately." Tera ordered and Tinami followed instructions with a small bow.

Himeko said nothing about it. She knew she could no longer escape this conversation anymore.

Tinami left with Ayami and the two sisters were now left all by themselves in the dining room.

"Our parents let us know that if something were ever to happen to them that I won't have to lead our people until I turn 18 and until that day comes you would be the leader. I still have the freedom to go wherever I wish and do whatever I want without having the whole clan on my shoulders, but because of you my freedom is being taken from me... I deserve an explanation don't you think?"

All Himeko could do was stare at her younger sister with tears in her eyes.

Out of the two of them Himeko was the one that would express herself more.

That's why many people believe she wouldn't be suited for being a leader of so many people. She was far too kind and forgiving unlike Tera who knew how to hide her emotions and make her decisions based on what's best for the village, not what seems 'kind'.

"Answer me Himeko." Tera ordered.

Himeko looked away and walked towards the window not daring to look at her sibling in the eye at the moment.

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