Chapter 22

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Third POV

Its been a week since Tera successfully killed Donzo, but she wasn't behaving like her normal self.

She would spend hours away from the main house hold. She's been acting more distant than usual as well.

Everyone has tried to talk to her, to find out why she was feeling like this, but she doesn't say anything. Maybe Shisui could, but he's still healing from his surgery and can't look for her. She also hasn't visited him since his operation ended.

Sasuke noticed this change as well, and even though he tried not to let it bug him, he just can't help but ask himself why she's like this.

He knows he shouldn't care how Tera feels, but something inside him tells him otherwise.

He left the main household by the second day they came back to the village and is now living with his parents. He was properly introduced to the clan yesterday as well.

"Sweety can you take this to Tera please?" Said Mikoto giving Sasuke a bag full of food. Sasuke furrowed his eyebrows, but took the bag anyways. "I'm positive she hasn't eaten anything since she came back from the leaf. I would give it to her myself, but I'm a bit busy with the school today." She said hurrying to get her stuff ready.

Mikoto is a teacher in one of the schools here in the Kasai village. She teaches kids from 5 to 8 years of age.

"Don't worry mom, I'll give it to her..." Said Sasuke.

He felt relieved that he found an excuse to go see Tera. She rarely speaks to him to begin with, and it irritated him that she hasn't said a word to him since they came back.

What irritated him even more is the fact that she spoke more to Naruto that day then she spoke to him since the day they met. He didn't like how Naruto brought out a new Tera he's never seen before. A happy Tera...

"Thank you so much honey. There's some food in the fridge if you get hungry ok? I'll be back in a couple hours. I love you~" She said kissing Sasuke on his forehead goodbye and left to do her job.

Sasuke smiled to himself.

"I love you too mom."

He's happy..., but there's something that's missing. Something that will complete him, and his goal now is to find that something.


"The village east of us are willing to give us their land in exchange for resources. They're out of food and many of them are starving, so they're in need of it." Informed the jonin.

Tera nodded.

"Their land isn't massive, but it'll do for now... Tell them we accept the offer and the meeting will be in two weeks after they receive this message." She said her answer and the ninja left after grabbing the scroll from Tera.

Once she was finally alone she began to think about what the person she encountered once she killed Donzo said.

Going against the five great nations...? I'm willing to go up against that and more. Even if I die in the process. The safety of the Uchiha are my first priority. Besides, an Uchiha started this war, so an Uchiha's gonna end it.

She thought to herself.

She has thought about many strategies, but in the end, her clan will always end up finding out about the war.

She could try to erase the memory of the person who began this war, but that's a hard task. She needs the person she's casting the jutsu on to stay still, because she's still not an expert on that jutsu yet. The worst thing is that no one can help her improve on that without having their memory wiped.

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