Chapter 27

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Amaterasu's POV

I had a couple documents to pick up from Mikoto about the information of the kids she's currently teaching, and even though I could have sent someone to get it from her, I decided to get the papers personally.

There's not much I have to do back at my office anyway.

Knocking on the door I waited for her to open it.

It took longer than I expected, but when she opened the door I knew what made her take so long.

Sasuke was standing behind her trying to make his way around the house.

She must have been leading him somewhere...

I honestly felt strange seeing him again. It's as if I see him as a totally different person... He saved his brother even though a couple weeks ago he couldn't stand even being in the same room as him.

He put all of that behind him so Ayami wouldn't loose her father... Even though he doesn't know it, he's kind. No matter how hard he tries to avoid it, he will always have that part of him.

We all change due to the things we experience, but there's things that no matter how hard we try... We can never change.

"Tera? What're you doing here?" Mikoto asked confused gaining my attention. "Did anything happen to my husband?" She asked getting panicked.

Sasuke had already stopped in his tracks since the moment his mom started talking.

I shook my head.

"Fugaku is fine. He's teaching the new genin a couple tips to use when on a mission as we speak. The reason I'm here is to get the papers with the information of the kids that you're currently teaching." I said.

The two of them seemed to have relaxed, but Sasuke stood where he was. Not moving a single muscle.

The bandage around his head reminded me of myself... When I had to wear it every single day so I wouldn't hurt anyone... In a way, it made me feel less of a human being.

That was one of the reasons why I sealed this curse of mine. To feel normal and be for once accepted my the citizens as a normal person.

Many don't want to admit that they're still afraid of me, but I can sense it inside of them. They might accept me, but that doesn't mean they had stopped being afraid.

"Ah! That's right! I'm so sorry Tera! I totally forgot about the papers. I'll get them to you right now. Come in please, I'll get them in a second ok?" She said pulling me inside.

I nodded as she already took off somewhere forgetting about Sasuke...

It was quiet, but he obviously knew I was inside the house. His mom practically announced it...

Why am I even worried that he knows that I'm here? It shouldn't worry me.

He shouldn't be on his way to wherever he was going, so he shouldn't be here long.

"Shisui told me you haven't been sleeping." He said taking me by surprise.

Is he... Worried about me?

Ridiculous. No one should concern themselves with someone like me. It's useless. Especially now that the war is in only days.

Himeko, Itachi, Shisui... They concern themselves with a helpless person.

"... And?"

If I sleep enough or not is not his problem.

He tortured me like twice and now he concerns himself with the amount of sleep I get?

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