Killjoys Part 7

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I pulled up this photo on my phone to show Frank

He gawked at the photo and began to speak "HOLY FUCK HOW HAVE I NOT MET THIS STUDENT" he screamed

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He gawked at the photo and began to speak "HOLY FUCK HOW HAVE I NOT MET THIS STUDENT" he screamed. "Because she starts tomorrow" I stammered.His eyes widened and he started to freak out. "What if she doesn't like me?" he asked. I broke into laughter and his face turned red "whats so funny" he mumbled. "Sorry it's just she has had a thing for you since the band started" I giggled. "Just don't tell her I said that" I laughed. We made it to our hotel and he replied with an "Ok" bofore he ran to his hotel room and went to sleep. Gerard  and I jumped on the bed and decided to go to sleep. I laid down and I heard him roll over and I felt him pull me into a warm embrace. Being in his arms made me feel safe it felt as if nothing in the world could hurt us. I drifted off to sleep and began to dream. That was new to me because ever since u was a kid all I had was nightmares. As I fell asleep I whispered to Gerard "I love you" and then he replied "I love you too" and we both fell asleep with our bodies intertwined into a warm embrace.

Emo Trinity School, (Lead Singers X Reader)SMUT Where stories live. Discover now