Chapter 2: Last Thing I Want Is To Hurt You

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Derek's Pov

"When are you and Giovanni coming to dinner?" my father asked. I switched my cellphone to my right ear so I could finish buttoning up my dress shirt.

"Around eight. He's going to close up the restaurant early so we can make it" I said walking back into our bedroom.

"Sandra is thrilled to see him again. I think she just likes having someone to share recipes with" my dad laughed.

"Yeah well my husband is a wonderful cook" I said knowingly.

"Your very lucky son and so will my future grandchildren" he spoke.

"Dad I already told you. We're not ready for children" I groaned.

"Really because Gio always sounds so excited when Sandra brings up the subject of kids. Derek, it seems like you're the only one that isn't ready" he told me.

"I just don't feel like it's the right time okay. Listen dad I'll talk to you tonight okay' I sighed.

"Alright Derek but, remember marriage is about compromise" he said.

"Alright love you" I mumbled hanging up.

Placing my cellphone in my back pocket, I grabbed my wallet and headed downstairs. I went into the kitchen to see Gio at the stove cooking. He was smiling as he flipped the French toast and it really was a sight to see.

"Hey baby" I said wrapping my arms around his waist

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"Hey baby" I said wrapping my arms around his waist.

"What took you so long? I was about to come and get you" Giovanni said.

"I was talking to my father he wanted to check and see if we were still on for tonight" I whispered kissing the side of his inked neck.

"I'm so happy to see Sandra again" he breathed turning to face me. He wrapped his arms around my neck and pecked my lips.

"She's excited to see you to. I know you guys love swapping recipes like a couple of housewives" I chuckled going over to the fridge.

"Hey I am not a damn housewife and we don't just talk about recipes. She actually keeps asking when we are going to have children" Gio mumbled eyeing me.

"My father asked me the same thing. I told him that we aren't ready" I spoke shrugging. By the angry look on Giovanni's face I could tell that was the wrong thing to say.

"We've been married for five years Derek. We have more than enough money and a stable environment. When do you think we'll be ready?" he asked.

"I don't know Giovanni. Why is everyone hounding me about this?!?" I snapped frustrated.

"I'm not hounding you Derek! I'm just curious about when you'll be ready. When we first got married all you could talk about was us starting our own little family, what change?" he groaned.

"Nothing's changed Giovanni. I just don't want kids right now. Why can't you respect my decision" I breathed going to the kitchen table.

Sitting down, I watched as he angrily placed food on our plates. He slammed the dish on the place mat in front of me before taking his own seat.

"I respect your decision Derek but, why can't we at least talk about this. I just want you to be open to the idea. I would really love to have a son that looks like you, please" Gio said his beautiful grey eyes staring at me.

"Fine, we can talk about it but, I'm not making any promises" I sighed.

"Thank you Derek! I love you so much" he cheered getting up and hugging me. I move him so he was straddling my waist.

"I love you too and when we eventually do have kids, I want them to look like you cause baby your beautiful" I mumbled gripping his hips.

Leaning in I kissed his succulent lips. They were soft against my rough ones and I loved the way they molded with mine but, they looked even better when he was kissing me all over during our love making. I could feel myself become hard as he started moaning while grinding his hips on mine.

"Derek!" he moaned.

"Fuck! Baby as much as I would love to finish this I need to get to work and you need to go open the restaurant" I gasped holding onto his waist so he would stop rubbing against me.

"Your right. I'm sorry" he breathed.

"You don't ever have to apologize for wanting me baby. It's when you don't that I have to worry" I laughed kissing him.

"Come on let's finish breakfast before we have to leave and by the way I'll always want that ass and dick" Gio told me getting off my lap.

I watched stunned as his jeans hugged his ass as he walked back to his chair. It wasn't helping me get rid of my problem but, making it worst.

Giovanni and I ate our breakfast together and it was just like every other morning. I'll never get tired of looking up and seeing him sitting across from me.

Ever since the day we first met he had been the light of life. I loved Gio so much and I don't know what I'd do without him in my life.

After breakfast, we grabbed our stuff and headed off. Even though we both had our own cars we always carpooled to work. It just made sense to save gas since we literally worked across the street from each other.

Two years back Giovanni's parents retired and left him the restaurant to run. I remember him being so happy that he couldn't stop smiling. Pulling into the Bella's, I parked our silver Lincoln and turned to look at my sexy husband.

"Have a good day at work boss man" I spoke smiling.

"You too. I'll see for lunch as usual" he said running a hand through his hair.

It was getting longer on the top and pretty soon it would touch the his shoulders. I didn't mind, it just gave me something to hold onto.

"I can't make it to lunch today baby" I sighed.

"We never missed lunch together Derek. Why are you missing it?" he questioned confused.

"I just have to go meet someone and the only time they had open was during lunch. I'm sorry Gio" I breathed.

"Who are you meeting?" he asked crossing his arms.

"Just someone important. I'm sorry Giovanni" I groaned.

"It's fine. I'll just ask Chanelle to join me" Gio whispered.

"Alright. I love you" I said kissing him quickly before we both were late.

"Love you too" he mumbled getting out the truck.

I watched him walk into Bella's and I could tell by his body language, he was upset. I wanted to make him feel better but, I couldn't. Honestly, I hated lying to him but, if Gio knew the truth he'd break and that is the last thing I want.


Hmm a little trouble in paradise. What do you think is going on with Derek? What is he hiding from sexy ass Giovanni?




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