Chapter 3: Happy Home

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Giovanni's Pov

I trusted Derek

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I trusted Derek. He has never done or said anything that has made me doubt him but, lately he's been different. I feel like he's hiding something from me and it isn't good.

I want to believe that it's just something at work that's causing him to act strange but, I wasn't one of the dumb women off the Lifetime Movie Network. Then again, I'm not going to jump to conclusions.

When I walked into the restaurant I couldn't fight the smile that came on my face. I love Bella's, it was home. I grew up in this restaurant and since then it's always been my favorite place.

The first place I headed was the kitchen. I already knew everyone back here was doing their jobs, I just love to come back here to help out when I'm bored or tired of paperwork.

"Gio come and taste this sauce I don't know if I added enough parmesan" Alberto spoke waving me over.

Grabbing the spoon out of his hand I tasted the white sauce. It was really delectable but, missing something.

"It's great just needs some parsley" I commented.

"Thank you, master" Alberto spoke dramatically bowing.

"Your welcome Al. Now I have to go finish work" I laughed leaving the kitchen.

Heading to the back, I went to my office. Taking a seat in my chair, I started checking this month's books. Next Friday the trucks were coming to drop of our orders which means I would be here all-night running inventory. Sometimes I wonder how my parents were able to keep this place running for 15 years. It's amazing.

"Oh, best friend!" Chanelle cheered busting into my office.

I smiled because I had spent all morning going over our calendar and scheduling catering jobs

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I smiled because I had spent all morning going over our calendar and scheduling catering jobs. Honestly, I was tired and I needed a break.

"Hey Chan. What are you doing here?" I asked standing up from my desk. I walked around and hugged her.

"Your sexy husband called me and said we were having lunch together so, here I am" she said threading her small arm through my bigger one and leading me out my office.

"He is sexy right" I commented licking my lips as I though about this morning at breakfast.

"Uh huh now if I would have said that before you guys were married you would of bit my damn head off" Chan laughed.

"Well that was before I got this big ass ring on my finger. Now you and everyone else know that he's mine. Though don't get it messed up Bella I will kill someone over my husband" I spoke shooting her a look.

"You don't have to tell me twice" she said putting her hands up as a sign of surrender.

"Good. Now let's have some lunch" I sighed taking a seat in a booth.

"Does Derek know how possessive you are?" she questioned.

"Please, he's worse than me. It can be a man or woman if your checking me out your automatically on his shit list. We don't play when it comes to each other and besides, wouldn't you be just as possessive with a man that looks like mine" I scoffed.

"Your right so, why aren't you guys having lunch today? I mean don't get me wrong I've missed you but, usually this time is specially reserved for you hubby" she wondered picking at the menu.

"Derek had to meet with someone important today" I answered it a shrug.

"He couldn't reschedule like usual?" Chanelle asked.

"Nope, he said he that this was the only time they were available" I sighed sitting back in my seat. The doubt started to come back into my head but, I quickly pushed it down.

"What's wrong Gio? I've known you my whole life so I know when something is up" she huffed leaning forward.

"Derek's has been acting differently. I trust him but, I can't shake the feeling that he's hiding something from me and it isn't good" I relented.

"What do you mean he's acting different? Do you think he's having an affair?" Chanelle asked.

"No, Derek would never cheat on me. I know that man and he isn't cheating. He's just hiding something from me and every time I bring up the prospect of us having a child he immediately shuts it down. I mean I've always wanted children since I found I can carry my own" I told her.

When I was younger I was diagnosed with this very rare disease. I'm a man but, the doctors said that I was born with the parts that allowed a woman to reproduce. So instead of Derek and I going to an adoption center or using a surrogate I'd be able to give birth to our baby.

I probably would already be pregnant but, unfortunately Derek and I always used a condom and I was on these special forms of birth control pills.

"Maybe Derek isn't ready yet" she spoke.

"I just don't understand because he used to always talk about us having kids ever since I told him. We would talk about baby names and schools then all of a sudden, he did a total 360. Now he says it's too soon and that we're not ready for a child. I just want to know what's going on with him because I feel like he's distancing himself from me" I groaned.

"Hello what can I get for you guys?" Adam asked coming up to our table. Chanelle and I ordered quickly since we already knew what we wanted.

"So, what are you going to do?' she asked.

"I'm going to trust my husband. If it's something important I believe he'll tell me and if he doesn't by next week well than our happy home isn't going to be so happy anymore" I stated.

"Oh lord the last thing we needed is crazy Gio coming out. Remember the last time when you cussed that girl out and you started switching from English to Italian. The woman was scared for her life" Channeled reminded me.

"Maybe next time she'll keep her eyes to herself. I already told you I don't mess around when it comes to Derek and she had the nerve to flirt with him in front of me even though I know she saw my engagement ring" I huffed.

"Well don't worry maybe it's nothing. He might be planning something special and doesn't want you know" she suggested.

"No, I tell you I can feel that it's something bad. I'm just scared to ask because I don't know what he'll say. What if he lies to my face?" I sighed.

"Guess you'll just have to ask him and find out. I wish I had more advice but, he's your husband. No one other than his father knows him as good as you. Gio don't let your worry drive you crazy. Derek is a good man" Chan spoke.

"I know that but, still good men can make mistakes and I'd be stupid to ignore what I'm feeling. My mother didn't raise a fool" I said.

I loved and trusted Derek but, now I was becoming cautious and if I do find out he's cheating best believe we are going to have a nice chat. I'll beat his ass and not feel an ounce of guilt.


Giovanni is really possessive and sexy. What do you think about Chanelle?



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