Chapter 9: Earth Angel

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Derek's Pov

"Derek I'm sorry" Rosita said sincerely. Putting her clipboard to the side. I wanted her to show me the results because they must of messed up somewhere.

"How?" I asked.

"We don't really know how it starts but, we did catch it kind of early. That means we can get you onto chemo right away" she said.

"I can't believe this" I breathed running a hand through my dreads.

Not ever did I think I'd be sitting right here. It all seemed surreal. I had cancer and I could die. There was chance I'd be going to the other side and I'd never see my loved ones again.
"It's best if you let your family know. Having them here is good, you need a support system right now. The process can be kind of stressful and it's great to know you have people at your side through everything" Rosita spoke.

"I can't tell them" I murmured.

"They deserve to know Derek. You can't just not tell them. This is a serious matter" she told me.

"I know but, I can't. Gio and my dad, they'd stop everything to help me. Fuck, I'm all my father has left and if he finds out, it will kill him" I said.

"Maybe just think about it first. I know this is big news but, don't do anything irrational Derek. You have people that love and care so, let them be there for you. Cancer has a way of causing the strongest person to break. It will help to have someone there to pick up the pieces" she told me.

"I'll think about it" I breathed hopping of the exam table.

"Here's a prescription and make sure you set up an appointment at the desk so, we can start chemo. The earlier we do it, the better the result. Your going to beat this Derek" Rosita said hugging me.

"Thanks" I mumbled exiting the room.

After I registered for my next appointment I left and went to my car. My movements were robotic as I ran into CVS to get my prescription. I didn't pull out right away, just sat there and thought about everything.

Next thing I know tears started falling down my face. I didn't try to wipe them. This was one of the first times I've really cried since my mom passed. That was one of the saddest days of my childhood.

I was startled out of my thoughts by my phone. Lifting it up I saw it was Giovanni so, I quickly cleaned my face before answering.

"Hello" I breathed my voice gravelly.

"Derek are you okay?" he asked automatically.

"Of course baby. What you need?" I questioned clearing my throat.

"I need my sexy ass husband to get home. I'm lonely" he said in a little kids voice. I couldn't help but to smile, he was so childish sometimes.

"I'm coming. Give me a minute" I said.

"Okay. Love you" he spoke.

"Love you too" I replied hanging up.

Throwing my phone in the passenger seat, I took a deep breath and started the car. It was only 15 minutes before I was pulling up to our house. Grabbing my medicine, phone I got out and headed inside.

"I'm home!" I yelled closing the door.

"Thank god" Giovanni said entering the hallway. He was in a pair of his pajama bottoms with no shirt. I felt my dick stir in my pants as I took in my baby's inked chest.

"It didn't take me that long" I laughed kissing him.

"It seemed like it" he mumbled grabbing my ass.

"Let me change first" I whispered.

"Hurry. I ordered pizza and I'm about to put on a movie" he spoke.

"Alright" I said slapping his backside and jogging up the steps.

I quickly showered and changed into a pair of gym shorts with socks. I didn't feel like wearing a shirt either. Putting my medicine on the nightstand by my side of the bed I went back downstairs.

"What we watching?" I asked taking a seat between Gio's legs on the couch.   He liked playing with my hair although, most of the time I didn't think he noticed he was doing it.

"Captain America Civil War" he answered handing me a piece of pizza.

"Nice" I hummed.

"So, how did the physical go? Anything unusual?" he asked. I tensed up at his question and I knew he felt it.

"What's wrong?" Gio questioned automatically.

"Uh no. Everything's good" I mumbled.

"You sure?" he asked.

"Yeah baby it was fine" I responded.

"Good" Gio said.

I glanced at him and took in everything. For five years this man has been my world. I loved him to death and I would rather hurt myself than cause him any harm. This was why I couldn't tell him.

"I love you" I told him gaining his attention.

"I love you too" he said automatically causing me to smile.

I pray that God knew what he was doing. There was no way I could leave this earth this early. I didn't need any angels, I already was married to one.


Sad chapter, Derek has cancer. This is my first time writing a book like this. What do you think of him not telling Gio? Also I've changed this to a short story because I don't know if I want to make this a full book. We'll just see how it goes.




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