Chapter 15: Let It Go

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Giovanni's Pov

Giovanni's Pov

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After everything that happened at the resturaunt, I took a cab over to Chanelle's place and have been staying there ever since. I didn't want to step back into my house or even see Derek. He has been calling and texting me for the past three days but, I just ignored him. Nothing he could say would change anything that has happened and I didn't feel like hearing his bullshit at the moment.

"Alright Gio you've been here for three days and still haven't told me what's going on. It's time for you to spill the tea" Chanelle spoke coming into the living room. She took a seat next to me and handed me a cup of hot chocolate.

 She took a seat next to me and handed me a cup of hot chocolate

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"I don't want to talk about this" I groaned.

"Too bad. Come on and tell me. Did Derek do something?" she questioned.

"Three years ago he cheated on me and got some bitch pregnant. I just found out this information three days ago at our family dinner when the girl told me herself" I breathed.

"Shit. What did Derek have to say?"she asked.

"I don't want to hear what he has to say. I would of preferred he pulled this shit when we weren't married. Now he wants to keep calling. trying to explain but, he can't. There is no excuse for betraying someone that has always been there for you so, he can shove his apologies up his ass because I'm done" I said.

"Please tell me your not thinking about a divorce" she breathed.

"Yep. I already had a lawyer draw up the papers and they're serving him today" I hummed standing up and going into the kitchen.

"Gio maybe you need to think this through. Your talking about ending your marriage to a man that you love. This isn't a decision you can make in two days. I think you need to think about this more without all the anger" she suggested.

"I'm not angry, I'm pissed off!" I snapped.

"And you should be but, ending your marriage isn't going to help. Your about have a kid together so, you can't just cut him out of your life. You guys need to talk" Chanelle told me. I went to argue with her when the doorbell interrupted me. Setting my cup on the counter I went to answer the door.

 Setting my cup on the counter I went to answer the door

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"What the hell are you doing here?" I growled.

"These were just sent to my office" Derek spat showing me the yellow envelope.

"Well did you sign them?" I asked leaning against the door.

"Your fucking kidding right! I'm not signing these Giovanni!!" he exclaimed.

"Okay, you two need to come inside and talk. I'm going to run to the store" Chanelle said coming over to us. I stepped back as she pulled Derek into the apartment. Before leaving she threw me a look.

"If your not here to sign the papers then you can go" I muttered walking to the living room.

"Gio we aren't getting a divorce" he spoke.

"Yeah we are. I don't want to be married to you anymore" I shrugged.

"You don't mean that. I made a mistake and you just want to throw everything away. We have a baby coming " he said.

"I mean it. You cheated on me and I'm done" I breathed.

"We're not even going to discuss this?" Derek questioned.

"Discuss what? I've spent all this time trying to convince you to have a kid but, you shut me down. I guess it's because you already have one right. See it's not that you just cheated hell, all I'd have to do is kick your ass  to get over that but, you got that bitch pregnant Derek. Now how the hell am I supposed to deal with that shit. Tell me" I spoke staring at him.

"That isn't my child Gio" he replied.

"Did you get a test done or just act like it didn't happen?" I questioned.

"Yes and she isn't mine so, please stop doing this" he groaned.

"Great she's not yours, do you think that changes anything? I meant what I said" I hummed.

"I'm not signing those damn papers. I'm going to fix this. Your my husband and that's my baby. I won't just let you leave me that easily" he told me.

"I can do whatever the hell I want Derek cause we're you thinking about me when you were with her. No you didn't so save all the excuses and apologies. It's over. I told you when we first started I don't fuck with cheaters. Now I'm done talking and you can let yourself out" I responded pointing to the door.

"Please Gio, I need you. I can't do this alone" Derek sighed. I'm not cold-hearted. I wanted to say forget everything and stay with him but, I couldn't. I can't allow him to think shit like this was okay and that I'd put up with it because I refuse to let anyone walk all over me.

"We can be co-parents. I won't leave you to deal with your sickness alone but, that's it so, let it go" I murmured before leaving out the room.


Happy New Years Eve!!! So, I'm slowly making my way updating, just a little patience. So, it seems like Gio is serious about the divorce. What do you guys think? Derek doesn't want to sign the papers but, should he?




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