Chapter 16: Flirting In The Gym

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Giovanni's Pov

It's been two weeks since the whole Derek showing up to Chanelle's house. Since then I've kept communication between us to an all time minimum. The only things we talked about were the baby and his treatments. He kept trying to get me to change my mind about the divorce but, it wasn't going to happen and I already told him that. So, Derek refused to sign the papers causing me to file for legal separation.

When I told my parents what had happened they were totally against. My mom and dad love Derek. They wanted me to work it out especially since I was pregnant but, I wasn't with that. Maybe I'm being mean but, he cheated and almost got that bitch pregnant. I wasn't going to take him back so, later down the line he could do it again. Hell to the no.

Today though I was going to the gym to work out all this stress. The doctor said I could exercise but, not to strain myself. This gym was across town so, there was no possibility of running into Derek. I was already heading to the house to pick up some stuff and until then I wanted to stay away.

"Hello and welcome to Fitness Heaven" a preppy white girl said when I walked in. I noticed her checking me out and smirked. It was funny when women thought they had a  chance with me.

"Hi" I replied before continuing on about my business.

There was no need to even entertain her. I put my bag in one of the lockers taking my phone and water with me. It wasn't really packed. I headed over to the treadmill, turned on my music and started jogging. I cleared my mind and just focused on my body.

I stayed on there for about an hour and then went over to the weights

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I stayed on there for about an hour and then went over to the weights. The only thing I could do was work on my arms. I wasn't going to take the chance doing anything else. As I was lifting I watched my reflection. Honestly I was kind of conceited but, I didn't see a problem with knowing you look good. As long as I didn't constantly put it in others faces.

"Excuse me" a voice said from behind me. Putting the weights down I turned around to see who it was.

"Yes?" I asked checking out the man in front of me and I wasn't going to lie he was sexy but, that's it. I was currently unavailable in so many ways but, that didn't mean I couldn't appreciate the view.

 I was currently unavailable in so many ways but, that didn't mean I couldn't appreciate the view

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"I was wondering if you could spot me real quick. If your not to busy" he spoke.

"Sure" I hummed.

"Thanks" he breathed leading me over to the bench press.

I stood behind and watched him lift the bar up and down. He did 2 sets of twenty before he was finished. I helped him place the bar back before going back over to where I was.

"Hey, thank you again. My bestfriend ditched out today and left me by myself" the guy breathed coming over.

"It's fine" I mumured.

"My names Carson" he said.

"I don't think I asked for your name" I replied smiling.

"Well I gave it anyways. The polite thing would be to tell me yours" he chuckled.

"You just met me how do you even now if I'm a polite guy. Most people think I'm kind of an asshole" I snickered.

"I like to draw up my own conclusion and not listen to what others say" Carson reponded.

"Giovanni but, I prefer Gio" I mumbled picking up my phone and water.

"Can I take you out to lunch Giovanni? As a thank you for helping me" he asked.

"Nah. I'm sorry but, I am married" I said smirking.

"Where's the ring?" he questioned with a grin.

"It's complicated" I answered.

"Well how about you hit me up when it becomes uncomplicated. I'm here every Monday morning" he told me.

"Maybe. Bye Carson" I laughed heading to the locker rooms.

I had to stop  by the apartment I'm renting and shower before going to the house. As I was leaving Carson waved bye and I just smiled. Even though Derek and I were having our issues I wasn't going to start talking to someone else. I was still a married man and I'm not a cheater. Though did that mean I couldn't have a new friend just to make Derek a little jealous.


Super Late and I'm sorry. So, kind of a filler. Gio met someone new at the gym. What do you think of Carson? Was Gio flirting? Next up Derek and Gio going head to head and not in the sexy way. I'ma try to update again for you guys tomorrow since you all deserve it. By the way this is no longer a short story but a full book. I hope your all happy about that. Thank you!!!




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