Chapter 11: Surprise Baby

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Giovanni’s Pov

After Derek and I spent breakfast together I dropped him off at his office and went across the street to the restaurant. When I entered I went straight to my office and called Chanelle.

“Hello” she answered.

“I should kill you” I sighed.

“What did I do?” Chanelle asked.

“Tommy. Derek and I saw him at McDonalds when we were enjoying our breakfast. It was seriously so damn awkward” I groaned sitting in my chair.  I placed my phone between my ear and shoulder before pulling out some paperwork.

“Ooh that sounds bad” she spoke.

“It was, thank you” I breathed reaching for a pen.

I started writing when a wave of nausea hit me and I was running to my bathroom throwing up my entire breakfast. When my stomach was completely empty I got up and rinsed out my mouth. Looking at myself in the mirror I searched for any signs of a cold but, found none. Then I glanced down, my body froze when it crossed my mind. Slowly I walked back over to my phone, hearing Chanelle shout my name.

“Sorry” I mumbled.

“What was that? Are you okay?” she asked.

“I was vomiting my breakfast” I answered.

“Eww, that’s nasty” she commented.

“Tell me about it. Hey I need you to meet me somewhere” I told her grabbing my keys.

“Sure. Where?” Chanelle questioned.

“I’ll text you the address” I spoke getting in my car.


When I arrived at my personal doctor’s office, I seen Chanelle standing outside waiting for me. She looked a little confused which was to be expected. I parked and got out going over to her.

“Gio what are we doing here? You have a checkup or something” she asked as I held the door open for her to enter. I didn’t answer her question and headed to the back. When I reached the door I was looking for, I knocked and waited.

“Giovanni what are you doing here?” Dr. Davis asked looking at me in confusion.

“I need a pregnancy test done” I spoke shocking him and Chanelle.

“Okay what makes you think your pregnant?” he questioned standing up.

“I had missed taking some of my pills because I’ve been so busy and I didn’t notice until the morning after Derek and I had unprotected sex. Also, I’ve vomited twice today and I don’t even feel sick” I explained.

“Alright well the quickest way to check would be a sonogram and urine test. Come with me” he said leading me out the room.

Once I peed in a cup Dr. Davis sent it to get tested. He then had me lay on a table so he could perform the sonogram. I watched as he squeezed the cold ass gel on my tatted stomach and moved the wand around. At first, I was a little disappointed when I didn’t hear anything but, then a fast thumping sound filled the room and I smiled.

“Oh, my goodness! That’s a baby” Chanelle gasped.

“She’s correct there is a child growing inside you.

" Congratulations Giovanni your pregnant” he spoke.

“Thanks” I said as he wiped me off and left the room. I hopped down from the table and looked over at my best friend. She seemed awestruck at the news.

“I can’t believe this I’m going to be an auntie. I can’t wait till we go baby shopping and your baby shower” she gushed.

“Wait, I have to tell Derek first and I don’t know how he’ll take it. He said he wasn’t ready for kids remember” I sighed.

“What if he still isn’t ready? You’re not going to have an abortion, right?” Chanelle questioned.

“No, but this is something we have to discuss together. Maybe we can compromise” I breathed.

“Hopefully because I saw how happy you were when you heard its heartbeat” she knowingly.

“I am happy” I whispered placing my hand on my flat stomach. There was something growing inside of me and I couldn’t be more ecstatic. I just prayed Derek feels the same.

After Dr. Davis came back and gave me a prescription for prenatal vitamins, I went back to work. I proceeded my day by hosting and finishing paperwork. By the time it was ready to close I was anxious to get home. When I was finished locking up I got in my car and headed across the street where my husband was waiting outside.

“Hey baby” he spoke getting in.

“Hey, how was work?” I asked pulling off.

“Long. I had back to back meetings and a ton of paperwork” he groaned leaning back in his seat.

“I’m sorry” I commented.

“It’s fine. What about you?” Derek questioned.

“I was hosting today but, other than that it was pretty dull” I replied pulling up to our house. We both got out and went inside, going upstairs.

“You going to cook tonight? Cause I kind of want Chinese” he said removing is tie.

“Nah Chinese is fine. I’ll call and put in the order” I hummed taking off my shoes. I grabbed my phone out my back pocket to call them.

“Baby you dropped something” he spoke. Turning I saw him holding my prescription in his hand.

“Derek- “I started.

“Giovanni why is there a prescription for prenatal vitamins in your back pocket with your name on it?” he asked staring at me.

“I visited Dr. Davis and he told me I’m 3 weeks pregnant” I murmured.

“How the fuck is that even possible? Your ass better not have cheated” he replied glaring at me.

“Fuck you! I’m not a damn cheater. I’ve been really busy with the restaurant this past month so, I had forgot to take my pills. Then we had unprotected sex the morning after your father’s dinner” I explained.

“So, you’re having a baby?” he sighed.

“It’s our baby Derek” I said crossing my arms.

He just nodded and placed the prescription on the bed. I watched as he went over to the nightstand and picked up his keys. When I noticed him heading for the doorway I quickly stepped in front of him.

“Please move Giovanni” he whispered looking down.

“Hell no. Where are you going?” I asked.

“Out” Derek answered still refusing to look at me. Lifting my hands, I went to put them on his face but, he flinched away and that shit hurt.

“Fine. Go” I told him dropping my hands and moving aside.

He left out the door and I listened until I heard the front one closed. I sighed and went over to my cellphone. Derek could have his little breakdown but, it wasn’t going to change anything. I believed that everything happened for a reason and this baby was special I could feel it.

So, Giovanni is pregnant yay!! Derek doesn’t seem that happy but, maybe he’ll change his mind. What you guys think of his reaction?

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