Chapter 12: In this Together

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Giovanni's Pov

I stayed up all night waiting for Derek to return home. I wanted to hop in my truck and go search for him but, I knew that wouldn't help anything. So, I settled for pacing our bedroom floor shirtless, gripping the phone and trying to decide whether to call someone.

"Fuck it" I muttered.

I was about to call his father when Derek came strolling in the room. He looked like shit but, right now I didn't care. It was two o'clock in the morning and he's been gone since eight.

"I should knock your ass out. You could have at least texted me to say you were alright" I snapped glaring at him as he went and sat on the bed.

"I'm sorry" he muttered.

"Oh, you're sorry well I guess that just makes it alright. Whatever" I scoffed.

"Don't" he groaned.

"No, you don't Derek. I tell you I'm pregnant and you just leave. I'm not some damn petty one-night stand, I'm your husband. You could have tried to talk to me about this instead of making me feel like shit. Your treating this like I trapped your ass. Newsflash I already have the ring and no pre-nup" I said.

"Gio chill the hell out, it isn't that's damn serious!" Derek snapped standing up.

"It is that fucking serious! Do you want this baby or not because if you don't we need to discuss the future of this marriage!?!" I shouted.

"What are you saying, huh? You gonna divorce me Giovanni? You think I'd let you leave me that easily?" he asked stepping forward.

"First thing, I do whatever the hell I want and you know this. I love you Derek but, if I have to choose between you or our child......I'm sorry your gonna lose" I sighed touching my stomach.

"I have too much going on right now and throwing a baby in the mix...I don't know" he mumbled placing his hand over mine.

"What's going on Derek and I want the truth" I spoke. He looked at me before grabbing my hand and leading me to the bed. We both sat down as I waited for him to talk.

"About a month ago I had gone to the doctor to get a check-up because I wasn't feeling too good. They ran all kinds of test on me and everything was great until I had to get a cat scan. My doctor found something unusual so, she did a some more tests. A couple weeks ago she called me into her office, it was the day that I told you I had to go in for a physical. Anyway, the results came back, she found a tumor and its cancer" he told me and it was like my whole life shatter before my eyes.

"Baby tell me your lying. Please say this is all some sick ass joke. Please" I begged staring at him.

"I'm sorry. I hoped that it wouldn't be that" Derek murmured.

"Is this why you didn't want the baby?" I questioned.

"If I die that means I'll never get to meet them" he breathed lowering his head as he placed his hand back on my stomach.

"Don't say that shit. You're going to beat this Derek. You are" I said making him look at me.

"I don't want to tell my dad. He won't be able to handle it, especially after my mom" he huffed.

"I won't tell him. Though I should slap the hell out of you" I grumbled punching his chest.

"What the hell Gio?!?!" Derek hissed glaring at me.

"You had me here talking about leaving you when you're sick. Asshole" I cursed.

"Baby I would never let you divorce me" he chuckled.

"I thought I told you I do whatever the hell I want" I muttered straddling his lap. He grabbed my ass and pulled me closer as he laid back on the bed.

"What you want to do now?" he asked smiling.

"Right now, I want to sleep because I've been up all night worrying about your ass" I chuckled falling to the side of him on the mattress.

"I love you" he whispered placing his head on my chest while his arm wrapped around my waist.

"I love you too" I sighed.

"Actually, I was talking to my son" he laughed.

"Ass and don't you mean your daughter" I chuckled.

"Nah, daddy's prince is growing in here" he hummed rubbing my stomach.

"Sure, we'll see" I said smiling.

"We will and Gio I love you too" Derek told me.

"I know" I spoke smirking.

"Now who's being an asshole" he murmured.

"I'm sorry daddy. I love you" I yawned.

"Goodnight baby" he whispered as we both closed our eyes. I let the sleep take over and calm me just for a while. I knew that reality was going to bitch slap me in the morning but, right now I just wanted to enjoy a goodnights sleep with my husband and leave all worries for the next day.


Kind of a filler I guess. I was battling with decision to make Derek tell Gio the truth because if I would have made him not this would have turned into a full book and I don't want that. So, this is staying a short story with probably 17 chapters. I don't really know. I have other books I want to publish though but, I want to finish this first. Anyway, what do you think of Derek telling Gio the truth? Hard times ahead people.




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