Chapter 19: Truth Comes Out

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Derek's Pov

"I don't think I can do this" I mumbled

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"I don't think I can do this" I mumbled.

"You can. I'm right here with you this whole time " Gio said grabbing my hand. We were outside my father's house sitting in the car. We had been here for almost half an hour and I still haven't gone in.

"When I walk through that door and tell him, everything's going to change" I sighed.

"Derek it's already changed. He needs to know so he can be by your side. He's your father" he told me.

"I know and that's what I'm scared of. I don't want his whole life to revolve around this like before. If I can't beat this and I end up dying he won't be able to handle it" I groaned.

"Stop saying that shit because your not dying. Now get the hell out of this car" he growled stepping out and slightly slamming the door.

"Shit" I hissed before getting out and walking to his side.

Gio was leaning against the truck and I expected to see him angry but, then I noticed tears. This sent off alarms in my head because Giovanni wasn't a crier. In our whole relationship I only seen him cry three times so, when he did I knew something was really wrong with him.

 In our whole relationship I only seen him cry three times so, when he did I knew something was really wrong with him

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"Baby, I'm sorry" I sighed wrapping my arms around his waist as he laid his head on my shoulder.

"Your not going to die. I won't let you leave me here by myself with our baby" he whispered softly.

"I don't want to but, the reality is I might. I'm sorry" I replied.

"Fuck your apology. You need to promise me. Promise your ass isn't going to leave, okay. I need you here. Promise me" Gio spoke staring up at me with his grey eyes. Though I knew that there was a chance I'd end up breaking this promise he was the man I love so, I had to try.

"I promise" I murmured before giving him a kiss.

"Good" he breathed pulling me closer.

"I guess I can't keep avoiding the inevitable. Better to just get it over with" I hummed.

Gio grabbed my hand and gave me a reassuring smile before following me to the house. When we walked in I could smell something baking so, I headed to the kitchen. Sandra was at the island sipping coffee while my father sat across from her reading through some papers.

"Derek, I'm glad to see you. We were so worried" she sighed coming to give me a hug.

"I'm sorry" I breathed.

"Son, what happened to your hair? I thought you'd never cut your dreads" my dad asked.

"I had no choice. There's something I need to tell you guys and I've been putting it off for a while. I didn't want to worry you but, due to recent events I can't keep it a secret anymore" I spoke staring at both of them.

"Son your starting to worry me. What is it?" my dad questioned.

"I know and I would give anything to not have to say this but, I'm sorry. A couple months ago I was diagnosed with brain cancer. I've been doing rounds of chemo but, it isn't working fast enough so, I'm going to need surgery" I told him.

"Oh my goodness!" Sandra gasped covering her mouth as tears started to fall. My dad clutched the counter, refusing to look up. I knew how bad this was tearing him up inside.

"Why didn't you tell us earlier?" he asked quietly.

"I knew how you'd take it and I didn't want you to act like how you did when mom became sick. You gave up everything to be by her side and I didn't want that" I responded.

"That's what family does. Did you know?" he questioned glancing over to Gio.

"Yeah, I knew" he hummed.

"Before or after you tried to divorce him and basically leave him for dead" my dad hissed. Gio and I both were thrown off by his statement. I expected for him to respond but, he just pulled his hand from mine and left out the door.

"What the hell? That's was so, uncalled for dad. What happens between Giovanni and I in our marriage, is our business. He's actually the one that kept pushing me to tell you about everything because I was planning to keep it a secret. You need to apologize because either isn't his fault" I snapped before following after my husband.

He was outside standing on a sidewalk talking to someone. I stopped for a minute to check out the dude that was smiling all in my baby's face. They seemed to know each other because Gio wasn't mugging him like usual. Slowly I decided to walk over and introduce myself.

"Hey" I hummed placing my arm around his waist.

"Hey. This is Carson we met at the gym yesterday" Gio said.

"I'm Derek, his husband" I told him.

"Okay. Well I have to finish my jog. It was nice seeing you again. Maybe we could hang out some time" the guy suggested.

"Maybe" he replied. After Carson was out of site I turned and looked at Gio.

"It was nothing. I want to go home" he sighed.

"I'm sorry about my dad" I breathed.

"I'm don't want to talk about it. Let's just go home" he murmured and I could tell something was up and I was going to figure it out by the end of the night.


Took me forever to write this chapter like seriously. So Derek told his father everything but, then he kinda went off on Gio. What do you think? Next a little couple bonding.



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