Broken promises;
Words unkept.
Empty phrases fill my head.
Thoughts swirl around
As you try to decipher,
What means what.
You close yourself off,
Layer by layer.
You, yourself, don't even notice.
The once vibrant sound,
Beautiful and strong
Is now in ruins.
The note shattered
Into pieces
As each word,
As each phrase
And leaves you stumbling;
Leaves you grasping for breath.
For something to hold on to.
Your hands shake as you play,
You know it's not right,
That you shouldn't play,
Shouldn't pretend.
But you push through
And play the song.
No matter,
The wrong notes,
No matter!
Play, play, play!
Forte, allegro!
Don't stop!
You don't want to stop!
You can't stop!..
Your hands are shaking,
Head spinning with the notes.
Where's the beginning?
Where's the end?
It all just seems to repeat.
No coda.
No rest.
No last measure.
Just over and over again,
Words of lies.
Of promises that once meant something.
That broke you.
Will it ever end?
Can it end?
Will it end with you?
From The Pen To The Soul
Thơ caSometimes, writing isn't an option; it's a necessity. This is my story. Everything I write, is a part of me. But it's up to you, to find your story; connect to yourself through my writing. (Most of these are sent to my big sister)