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Kimberly's POV
I got up and tried to talk. I managed to say, "Good morning." To myself, but it was very low.

I did my morning ritual.

My outfit

I walk downstairs "Good morning

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I walk downstairs "Good morning." I say again to everyone.
"Aye! Look at the one that can talk now!" Chance yells in my ear.

I've got to go to school  because technically I'm not homeschooled yet.

Logan drives me to school and he picks me up.

I got down the stairs fully and ate breakfast.

When Logan got here I got in and we pulled up to the school where everyone hates me and I have no friends.

After I shut the door I take a deep breath in and out.

"C'mon Kimberly you can do this." I manage to say again.

I walk inside and everyone is staring and whispering about me but I ignore it. I go to my locker and take the stuff I need out and the things I don't in.

I walk to my first period and sit in my spot. Then 2 of Lena's friends come up to me. They stare at me in disbelief and say, "You best stay away from him. Or we will come after you."
I take a good look at how they are over here wearing designer clothes and stuff and their muscles.

"Ha, how do you expect to come after me when you care more about taking care of your clothes than Lena's face?" I say.

They gasp at what I said and walk away. Then we start class and that's all.

*Skip to lunch*
I walk to lunch and watch everyone walk past me. I finally got done and walked to my next class.

*Skip to after school*
Logan came to get me and I was ready to get out of there.

I finally got home and did my homework. Did a great drawing and showed it to everyone.

They took it and put it on the refrigerator. I got so tired that I wanted to go to bed so I was going to.

"I'm going to bed." I say.
"Goodnight." I heard them say. I went up and took a shower, and got into my pj's when I got done doing all that I went to bed.

In a dream
I woke up in another bed that wasn't my own. I got out of it and when I started walking there was an abandoned alley. While I was walking through it I could smell the smell of drugs, weed, Alcohol, and high people. As I continued walking I felt 2 arms wrap around me. One around my waist as they picked me up and the other over my mouth so I couldn't talk or scream. I kicked and I squirm as much as possible but I couldn't escape. Finally we got to this car and he threw me in the trunk. I tried to kick and punch the top of the car but there was just no escaping.
Then the car came to a stop I pretended to be knocked out.
This man carried me to a warehouse and tied me up. They put me into a chair tied me down  and made sure I couldn't get to when I wake up. "Go get the phone." This man says. As the man goes to get what he asked for I slowly start waking up. "Awh your awake. Just in time for this devastating phone call you will have to hear." The freakishly weird man says.
I can't talk so I just squirm. It hurts to do that so stop. Then the man gets on the phone.

???-Hello, is this Kimberly's father?

J-Uh, yes why?

???- Because I have her with me.

J-Just let me talk to her and make sure she's alright.

The strange man brings me the phone and puts it on my ear while pulling my gag down.

"Be careful what you say." The man said.

J- Hello.

K- Dad! Help!

As I screamed that the man pulled the phone away from my ear and put it back to his ear.
"You hear that, she isn't safe. She won't be unless you give me what I want." The man said into the phone to my dad.

J-Alright. Alright, tell me what you want and a place to give it to you.

???-I want 4m dollars in cash. Bring it in a bag to the abandoned alley.

J-Alright I'll do that but my daughter has to be safe and we will make the trade.

???- Deal.

The man hung up the phone and he put my gag back up.

As I'm sitting there the man starts to sharpen 2 knives. I start to sob but it hurts.

When my dad gets that money I'm out of the way and we are good.

The man untied me and threw me over his shoulder. I was thrown into the back of a van and he ran to the passenger seat.

"Drive!" The man yelled.

As we were driving I was trying to loosen the knots on when the car stopped.

The man pulled me out and then I saw my dad.

The man had me held at gun point. My dad gave the man the money and he checked it and made sure it was the right amount. After he did that he pushed me towards my dad. "Go get in the van. They are all in there." My dad whispers to me.
I let go of our hug and jump into the van. Everyone helps me get untied and everything. Once I'm untied and everything they start asking questions. "Are you okay?" One person says.  "What happened?" Another person said. "How did it happen?" Another person asked.

"Guys, I'm fine. All that happened was he kidnapped me brought me to a warehouse. Tied me down to a chair, and called my dad. And I wad standing in an alley and the guy came running towards me and put one arm around my waist and the other arm around my head on my mouth. " I say all in one breath.

"Just get some rest we'll be home before you know it." One person said.

I immediately got in the back of the car and slowly drifted off to sleep. I wanted to cry even though it was already over. Dad came and got into the van and drove off. As soon as we got home I was lifted bridal style and carried to my bed.

When I got done dreaming I woke up as if I had just died, gasping for air and screaming. I had hoped no one heard me but I think Tessa and Erika did.

Tessa came running in and so did Erika.

Tessa came running toward me. "What happened? Are you ok?"

"Bad dream. That's all." I say. I get up and go to the kitchen to get something to drink and then I go back to bed.

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