Chapter 2: Mermaids everywhere

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Nixie' POV

Everybody stood there, astonished for a minute... or more. Then Zac burst into action. 'Everybody keep calm' he says to the members of the schoolboard, his parents and Evie. 'Nixie: lead them the way to Rita's house, you know where' he then said, looking at me. Then he looked at Cam who was still holding the end of Rita's tail and said: 'Cam, follow her'. 'Myself, Lyla and Sirena will bring principal Santos home through the other entrance' he said to no one in particular. 'Good idea, if it's true what Rita told us this morning- wich I don't doubt- then she must have healed by the time we reache grotto' Sirena whispered to Zac. 'That's exactly what I was thinking of' Zac whispered back. 'Zac what's all this about?' Dr Blakely asked with a mixture of confusion and suspicion in his voice. 'Well.. you see dad... it's quiet a long story...'. 'What in the name of god is wrong with principal Santos and how on earth do you think you and those girls could help her'. 'It al started when Cam and I...' Zac began like his story was never interrupted. 'Not now Zac' Lyla whispered hastily, breaking of his story again. 'Right' Zac said, confused. He clearly didn't know what to do, despite him taking on the leaderschiprole. It was like for a moment, he had lost the control but he seemed to have refound it again verry quickly. He looked confidently at his dad and said 'look dad, you'll just have to trust me, I know what i'm doing'. That said he nodded at Cam on wich they threw Rita into the sea and he, Lyla and Sirena dived directly after her. Leaving the members of the council once more totally speechless after wich they all ran to the end of the little pier just in time to see the tails of two mermaids and one merman dissapearing under the water. 'Great, this must be the worst kept secret in history' I thought looking at the pointing fingers and hushed whispers of the members of the schoolboard. Dr and Mrs Blakely and Evie didn't seed able te say or do anything at all. After a while Cam - who had been watching it all headshakingly- came standing next to me. 'Superbly subtle your friends are' he whispered with a sort of threat in his voice even though it clearly wasn't. 'Yeah, well, your fishy landboy friend wasn't really up to the situation either, was he? We told you keeping the moonring would bring trouble' I said angrily at him. 'You can say that but if you ask me, it's only dangerous around you guys' Cam answered with again a sort of threat in his voice. 'What do you mean' I fired back. 'I mean that you and those other two fish chicks always seem to have your fishy nose in everything wich never seem to end well' he said with an evil smile to me. As we where standing there talking, the attention of the others was now vested on us. 'So where are you guys supposed to take us ?' Mrs Blakely asked, still looking pale around the nose. Cam and I looked at each other in discomfort. This was a nightmare. 

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