Chapter 1: The fish is served

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Nixie's POV

I was getting worried. Rita should be back by now, as well as the others. Certainly after Rita went down to the bungalow. I thought whatever had happend there earlier would be quickly resolved once Rita showed up. Surely she would be able to stop Zac from hiding the moonring and convince him he should hand it over to her. Only she had a shot a convincing him that it wasn't save for him to have, that he wouldn't know how to look after it. And even she couldn't manage that -wich now verry much seemed so- we  were all doomed. Because if Rita couldn't do it, then certainly none of us could. I tried to keep to the story I started as an distraction going but my inspiration faded and the story took the one weird turn after the other and to top all that it seemed I wasn't able to keep the focus of the members of the schoolboard, Mrs and Dr. Blakely and Evie. Strangely enough the only one who's focus was still on me was Cam. If I didn't know better I would even say he was helping me out in keeping the attention of the ones who where still sitting around the table. I hoped the others soon would be back because I didn't think I could hold the distraction much longer, even with Cam's help. Then all of sudden Cam got a call and suddenly a lot happened in a short period of time: he took the call, murmered something about that he found Evie's ring (or OUR moonring) and just took off in the direction of the bungalow. Because it happened all so fast I got confused and was slow. Thoughts running through my head. 'There must have happened something and they needed Cam to help out' I thought. And then I panicked. This could only mean one thing: there must have happened something to Rita, otherwise the situation would be under control. I wish I knew what was going on and what had happened to her but all I could do know was keep the distraction going, hoping Rita was going to be okay and all was going to be well. I looked towards the bungalow and just at that moment Zac, Lyla, Sirena and Cam came walking out carrying what looked like an unconcious Rita in full mermaid glory. Quickly I sprung into action: 'yeah, I can see it too' I shouted walking over to the place Cam had pointed earlier when stating he found the ring. As I had hoped Mrs Blakely and Evie came running over towards me. I looked over worriedly in the direction of the table but everybody's attention seemed to be on Dr. Blakely who was busy apologizing. I sighed in relief. 'Can you actually see anything' Evie asked angryly after a while. 'Yes I can actually' I said. I pretended to be pointing out the spot but while Mrs Blakely went back inside to get the fish for the lunch out of the oven and Evie was looking at the ground in the direction I pointed out I couldn't help but glare behind me. They where now almost at the end of the little pier, wich was placed at the spot where the garden of the Blakelys stopped and the sea began. 'Truely all was going to be okay' I thought relieved. But then I turned around and noticed Evie had followed my gaze and was now looking to what I was looking. One of the worst things that could have happened during this lunch, had happened. She had seen her principal in all her  full mermaid glory. This was wrong. She froze and then all of a sudden started shouting whilst stammering :'prin..our principal... is a ... a ... mer... MERMAID'!  Everybody looked at her, confused, and then to the direction she was looking in. They all gasped in awe, looking at Rita's mermaidself who still lay unconcious in the arms of Zac, Lyla, Sirena and Cam who all still stood there, totally frozen. Right at that point Mrs Blakely came back outside with the caserole filled with the fish for the lunch, shouting to us 'the fish is served'. She got that part right. 

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