Chapter 3: A visit from the pod

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Nixie's POV

'So where exactly did you say we were going?' Mrs Blakely asked again. The group was now following me and Cam to Rita's place. The whole situation was a true nightmare. 'Poor Rita' I thought. She had worked so hard to create this life on land, to fit in and to have a good cover and only in a matter of a couple of weeks we had managed to destroy all that. I was starting to fear Rita might have been right all along. We should just have left Zac and form a new pod on Mako. Start over. But no we just had to prove ourselves. We had been stubborn and didn't listen to her and the worst part of it all was that she was going to pay the price for it. I sighed. 'I didn't' I said to Mrs Blakely. 'But don't worry soon everything will become clear Mrs Blakely, right Nixie' Cam said with a devious smile towards me. I looked at him angrily. But then it made me realize how real and horrific it all was and the 'right' I said in answer sounded nothing but weak. Wich to my frustration only made Cam smile more. I opened the frontdoor of the house with the key Rita had given me and  gestured to the group  to go inside, closing the door again behind time.  They followed me through the house, asking multiple questions, wich I ignored. We had now reached the study. 'Where is Principal Santos Nixie? Why did you bring us to her study?' Dr Blakely asked now urgently. 'Cheez, patience wasn't these people's strongest suit' I thought. I wondered if all land people were like that. 'Watch and learn' was the only thing I said before walking towards one of the bookcases and pulling at the 'mermaid book'. The doors opened to reveal the grotto, for everyone to see. I looked behind my shoulder and saw the faces of the group onces again dazzled with astonishment. I walked down the grotto, Cam right behind me and with a few paces distance: the group. I didn't bother to say anything or show them the cosy part. No their were far more important things. I walked straight to the sea entrance. Zac, Lyla and Sirena (all holding Rita) where still in their, also in full mermaid glory for everyone to see. But what was worrying me more now was that Rita still was unconcious. 'Shouldn't the journey through the sea have made her better by now?' I asked worriedly. 'Not unless you know how to control it and use it to cure' a familiar voice said from right behind me. 'Veridia' I stammered when I turned around and saw the head of the mermaidcouncel (and with that head of the pod) standing right in front of me. 'Who is she ?' Cam asked and by looks on the faces of the members of the schoolboard, Mrs Blakely and Evie, he was not the only one wondering. 'Veridia, head of the mermaid councel' I said cooly. 'So she's a fishchick too? Great this day keeps getting better and better' Cam blurted out sarcastically. 'Keep it to yourself landboy' I snaped back at him. Then I looked again at Veridia and asked 'What are you doing here Veridia'? 'From the looks of it saving your tails' she said angrily. 'I thought it would be smart to tell a dolphin what happened and warn Veridia just in case...' Sirena said softly from the little pool. 'And right you were' Verida said now looking angrily at Sirena. Then she caught sight of the unconcious Rita and added softly 'what have you done to her'? 'We... I don't know ..we' Sirena began. 'Yes, that's obivious' Veridia said breaking of Sirena's sentence. She glanced at the group of people who where wachting her in awe and added 'look why don't you, Nixie, Lyla and Zac get all these people to the other part of the grotto then I'll take care of Rita, after all she's my best friend. Now me, Lyla and Sirena looked in awe at her. 

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