Chapter 6: Aquata to the resque

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Rita's POV

So you were born at sea? Dr Blakely asked for the billionth time. I sighed. This interogation had been going on for a while now and it was tiring me out. 'Yes Dr. Blakely, like I answered the billion times you asked this question before: What I said to Evie in the schoolmagazine interview wasn't all a lie. I was born at the barrier reef and travelled around the sound pacific. Only not with a yacht... I think now it's clear I didn't need one... And not with my family. Mermaids often don't have a family. At least no family by blood. That's why mermaids see each other as family. That's why we live in big groups. And that's why I decided to take these banished mermaids in' I said with a warm look and smile towards Nixie, Lyla and Sirena. 'And you knew Zac was one too all this time?' Dr Blakely now asked, again for the billionth time. 'Ever since I met those mermaids, yes. Like I already explained, Zac's... condition... is the main reason they got banished from their pod. Not only because they where supossed to protect the moonpool from such things happening but also because mermaids fear merman more than anything' I answered truthfully. 'And you didn't feel like telling us this?' Dr Blakely asked now angry again. 'Like I said Dr Blakely: I didn't feel like it was something I could just tell you... I had ... others... to proctect' I say with a look towards the three girls. Besides it wasn't up to me to tell you' I added, now looking at Zac. He just shrugged. 'Zac?' his father now asked sternly. He sighed and said 'I wanted to protect the others too... especially principal Santos, I knew you would react like this'. 'Yeah right, that's why we all could see her tail, you just wanted to protect her' Evie suddenly spat angrily, pointing at Lyla. 'That's not true, we aren't even friends anymore now!' Zac fired back. 'Yeah so that's why she's always hanging around you' Evie shouted, one eyebrow raised. 'Kids, kids, calm down' Cam said, standing up. 'Evie, now you at least know WHY she's always haning around him. 'Do I ?' Evie said with a look at Lyla. 'You know what, I'm out of here, this freak show isn't something it want to be part of' Evie said angry and walked off. Just at the tunnels entrance she turned around one last time, looking at Zac. 'Bye Zac' she said before vanishing into my study. Dr Blakely now looked as equally angry at me. 'She's right'. Principal Santos you are suspended till further notice. But I wouldn't count on doing your job again' he added also walking away, the rest of the schoolboard and his wife in his lead. 'No Dr Blakely, please... you can't...' I exclaim whilst I run after the schoolboard. But when I reached my study I bumped into someone. Apparently everybody had stopped in their tracks. I looked around  to see what the source of this sudden 'traffic jam' was and it didn't took me long to find it. In the doorway of my study stood yet another mermaid. Sirena's sister Aquata, if I was not mistaken. She looked to old not have a moonring... But what got my attention was the shell she held in her hands. It looked so beautifull, so special... Oh my ! It was a wishing shell! They where rare ! But what did she need a wishing shell for? And why did she need to bring it here? If it was meant to be a gift for Sirena, the timing couldn't be more badly chosen. But to my surprise she opened her mouth and said 'I wish that our secret is still a secret'. There was a heavy wind -wich was weird- causing the stack of papers on my desk - and many other things n the room- to fly everywhere. When the wind stopped, Aquata and the shell where gone. Dr Blakely turned around, looking confused. 'Principal Santos what are we doing here?' he asked, clearly not remembering anything of what had happened.' Uhm I was late for the schoolboard meeting... so you decided to come here instead...' I answered quickly. He nodded and said that must be it. 'Well, we'll leave you to it now' he added and walked away. When he had to step over a pile of papers in the doorway he turned around at me and said 'I know it was an unexpected visit, but you need to clean this place up urgently Ms Santos, it's beginning to look like my sons bungalow...I expected more of a schoolprincipal. You need to be punct and you need to be tidy. 'Yes Dr Blakley, i'll keep that in mind' I said embarrassed. He and the schoolboard walked away and the girls, Zac and Cam appeared in the tunnel entrance, Cam slapping Zac on the shoulder, all laughing. I shook my head at them, and finally burst out laughing too. It appeared that once again they had saved me. After they brought me in trouble in the first place of course... but I wouldn't want it any other way...

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