Chapter 5: Saving Rita

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The same time at Rita's sea-entrance...

Veridia's POV

I aimed my moonring at the water and immediately the water started to glow. Soon Rita started to follow. It was like the water was trying to soak her in. If I hadn't done this before, I would be worried. But the water already went back to normal and Rita was already trying to open her eyes. I carefully brought to the edge of the pool and tilted her out of the water. I went out of the water as well and dried myself, carefully watching my best friend. I hoped Aquata would be here soon and I prayed she had found what I asked for. If she did I might be able to do more then just save my best friend's live...

Rita's POV

I finally was able to open up my eyes, after a thousand times of trying. And I was shocked, to say the least, to find out I was in mermaid form. Then I spotted Veridia. 'Ve... Veridia...' what are you doing here? What happened? What's going on?r I said weakly. When she heard me talk Veridia walked quickly towards me. 'Rita, I'm so happy you're awake' she said, smiling weakly. 'And Rita, you might want to save your breath... you'll be having to answer a lot of questions yourself...' she added softly. I looked up at her, confused. 'What do you mean'? She sighed. Then she threw me a worried and sympathic look before carefully answering: 'You got hit by the force of a moonring, remember?'.  I nod. 'Zac... he turned the power of the moonring against me' I say softly. Everything is coming back now. 'But how could he..'. Verdia shakes her head. 'It was an accident Rita, he didn't mean to hurt you, he didn't mean to hurt anyone. She sighed again. 'But there is something you should know...'. She sat down beside me and continued: 'Rita, after you got hit, you where unconcious, Zac and the girls tried to help you.They thought water would do the trick -like you learned them- but they didn't use seawater nor magic... you grew a tail and... She took a deep breath before saying: 'and everybody saw it. My eyes got big. 'Everybody? Cam? Evie? Dr and Mrs Blakely? The members of the schoolboard? ' I asked. I didn't want to hear the answer really, but I had to have a clear view on how bad exactly the situation was. 'Everybody' Veridia answered firmly, but with a clear edge of regret. Clearly she took pitty on me. And if anything showed how bad the situation was well then this was it. Not that her answer before hadn't already confirmed that. My worst nightmare just had come true. 'I'm really sorry Rita, you only tried to help those mermaids and they have thanked you with this... I can't believe it myself... if I hadn't already banished them... I don't know what else I can...' Veridia now began to stammer. I put my hand out as a sign she could stop talking. 'It's not their fault Veridia, it's mine. I agreed to help them. I agreed to take them in. In made myself responsible for them and now I have to take that responsibilty and accept the consequences. I put my hand out again and said 'now please help me up, I need to talk to them, I'm guessing they will have a lot of questions. Veridia took my hand, helped me up and smiled weakly at me. 'I guess they will' she said before we went to the other part of my grotto. A part wich I, for the moment, feared. 

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