Chapter 9

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Coming Clean

  "Chibi!" Dazai's face lit up quickly, "I knew you would be here!" He trotted closer but when he got just close enough he saw the look of pure sadness and betrayal on the ginger's beautiful face.
"What's wrong Chuuya?" Dazai asked genuinely worried. The ginger scowled and spit at him angrily.
"You know DAMN WELL what's wrong" Chuuya angerly retorted. He had almost jumped out of his seat to yell at the taller boy but Aku had grabbed his wrist.
"Maybe you should both ca-" Akutagawa started to be interrupted by Chuuya, "SHUT UP! This is my problem and in going to deal with it right here and right now!" Chuuya stood up and walked close to Dazai. Dazai slightly tilted his head in confusion.
"I think this is a good time to point out, I have no idea why you're mad!" Dazai tried to reason with the ginger but there was a sudden harsh pain to his left cheek and he stepped back a few times. His hand came up to hold his cheek registering that the ginger had just punched him in the middle of a bar. Chuuya began to angrily stomp out when Dazai grabbed his wrist.
"HEY WHAT DO YOU-!!!" He whipped his head around to see the angriest face he thought he had ever seen on the man. Honestly it was kind of hot, but the look sent shivers down Chuuya's spine.
"With me. Now." Dazai said with a demanding tone. He began to walk towards the door still holding Chuuya's wrist, he turned around and winked at Chuuya as he moved his hand to entwine it with Chuuya's. No matter how angry Chuuya was with the man, this still caused the boy to blush. Once they were outside Dazai pushed Chuuya against the wall opposite the bar door. He pulled his arm back and suddenly Chuuya was on the ground gripping his cheek. The ginger shot up quickly.
"WHAT THE FU-" Dazai put his hand over the ginger's mouth and leaned close to his ear. "I'll explain when were alone, just fall back down and after a few moments follow where I go. Keep your distance though, and look angry" Dazai leaned back and took one last look at Chuuya's confused face before walking away. Chuuya slid back down the wall still confused about what just happened. 'He switched attitudes faster than a girl!' The ginger thought overwhelmed 'what is even happening' he stood up and slowly shuffled out of the alley and looked around to try and catch where the bandaged man had gone. He noticed the tall man and turned to follow a bit behind him, keeping an angry yet determined face, he didn't know what was going on but he wanted it to be over. Seeing Dazai hurt him, yet at the same time he felt the same pain coming from Dazai's aura. Dazai looked around cautiously, 'what is he looking for? He stopped looking around and turned towards the park. 'Where is he taking me, on a hike or something?' Chuuya thought, his face really said what the hell thought. The ginger waited a moment before turning to enter the park, he noticed Dazai beckoning him into the area with the tree overhang that he was at a few days ago. The ginger quickly made his way over to Dazai, who grabbed Chuuya's wrist and drug him to a bench in a quiet section of the area. Dazai sat down and motioned for Chuuya to sit down, which he did reluctantly, after that Dazai tapped his foot and seemed to be nervous about something.
"Well?" Chuuya asked a bit impatiently "what is all of this about" he noticed Dazai looking around yet again almost paranoidly.
"My boss" Dazai began in a whispered tone "he said he would watch me where ever I went to make sure I wasn't meeting you, after he wrote that letter he-" Chuuya shot up and covered his mouth quickly looking Dazai dead in the eyes, tears threatening to fall from his eyes. He was so relieved it wasn't Dazai betraying him, he didn't know why he was so happy but it felt like a rock had been lifted off of him and he could breathe again.
"Chuuya?" Dazai asked questioningly. Chuuya took of his gloves and rolled up his sleeves revealing all the bandages on his arms and hand, some sections had blood stains from how much they had bleed. Dazai had a look of sadness on his face knowing he had caused Chuuya this pain. He stood up and quickly engulfed the shorter boy in a hug, the ginger fit perfectly in Dazai's arms. The embrace was warm, Chuuya wanted to stay like that for the rest of the day, heck maybe his life. It was a hug filled with sadness yet also with reassurance, regret and love. He leaned into the hug more making Dazai smile lightly. Dazai left the hug first leaving Chuuya cold, there were tear streaks staining his porcelain skin. Dazai smiled softly.
"I'm sorry you got pulled into all of this Chuuya its all my fault" Dazai looked at the ground sadly which caused Chuuya to put one hand on Dazai's arm and he used the other to lift Dazai's head.
"And I would do it again" Chuuya said, suddenly cringing at how cliché that sounded. Dazai started to crack up at the ginger's comment and face.
"HEY!" Chuuya angrily shouted at him.
"Sorry sorry" Dazai wiped tears from his eyes due to laughing so hard, "you sounded like an old woman talking to her husband right then" Dazai laughed more feeling like he was going to pass out if he laughed anymore. Chuuya clicked his tounge in anger yet found Dazai's laughter comforting.
"I need you to explain this whole situation to me though, im not sure I can trust you fully yet" Chuuya changed the subject, Dazai nodded at his suggestion and sat back on the bench then motioning for Chuuya to sit with him.
"Well it started with that letter" Dazai began after Chuuya sat down. "My boss, or father figure I guess, figured out we were meeting after I told him I had met a lovely person. He knew who you were and wanted me to spy on you and your mafia, but I refused. He got angry so framed me and wrote that letter. He told me what he had done when he got home and I-" Dazai took a pause and caressed Chuuya's wounded arm. Chuuya caught on to what he meant and nodded. "I wanted to come and explain it all to you so I came to the bar. You made it quite easy to make it look like we were fighting and leaving alone for good when you actually started it!" Dazai chuckled motioning to his cheek.
"Oof sorry about that Dazai" Chuuya suddenly had a wave of guilt hit him.
"Do you forgive me now?" Dazai asked genuinely. Chuuya put his hand on his cheek to think, a smirk spreading across his face.
"No I don't" he said jokingly smirking at Dazai. Dazai got very close to Chuuya then.
"Hm thus should convince you then" Dazai didn't give Chuuya any time to think before he leaned in and kissed him. After a moment he leaned back.
"Good now?" He asked, Chuuya gave him another devilish smirk that could kill a man.
"Maybe if you give me another" Chuuya grinned, Dazai leaned in yet again kissing him.
"Chuuya ~" a woman walked up and almost sang his name. Chuuya's eyes shot open as he was awoken from the wonderful dream the kiss was. He pushed Dazai off and turned to see Kouyou standing there smiling.
"Were you enjoying yourselves boys?" She asked still smiling yet had a devilish tone. Dazai looked over to Chuuya who was pale as a ghost.

Ooooooh cliff hanger! That chapter was so much fun to write! I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it! What's gonna happen next oh oh XD this chapter is the longest I have written so far! I hope you enjoyed the chapter and this out of wack a/n here and I hope you look forward to the next chapter!
~ Chibi

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