Chapter 10

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Forbidden Love

"Chuuya ~" a woman walked up and almost sang his name. Chuuya's eyes shot open as he was awoken from the wonderful dream the kiss was. He pushed Dazai off and turned to see Kouyou standing there smiling.
  "Were you enjoying yourselves boys?" She asked still smiling yet had a devilish tone. Dazai looked over to Chuuya who was pale as a ghost. Chuuya got very stiff and a scared look crossed his face. 'I'm done for this is my last day alive' Chuuya thought. Dazai turned his head to the side.
  "Cockblock" he whispered quietly. Apparently not quiet enough as Chuuya whipped his head around quickly staring at Dazai straight in the eyes. Dazai recognized this look of sadness, he was fearing for his life and Dazai could see it.
  "Hm, I guess I will have to call him. Excuse me for a moment" Kouyou calmly stated while turning around. She walked to a bench quite far away from the two boys. Once she was out of sight Dazai engulfed Chuuya in a hug.
  "Its going to be okay Chuuya I'm here for you" Dazai said, he felt Chuuya beginning to cry. It broke his heart to see the other crying, especially when it was his fault.
  "She's going to kill me Dazai I know she will" the ginger boy sobbed while holding Dazai tightly. "She already told me not to see you anymore but I couldn't just stop seeing you bec-" he was suddenly cut off by Dazai crashing his lips into his own. The kiss was full of love, care and passion, Chuuya melted into Dazai's arms. This was becoming his new favorite thing, 'do I like Dazai like that?' Chuuya began wondering but dismissing his thoughts as Dazai began running his hands through the ginger's hair in a calming manor. Dazai slowly got on top of Chuuya and tugged his hair a bit. Chuuya's eyes shot open realizing what was happening, he pulled back from the kiss first.
  "We can't do that here! Especially in front of my mother Dazai!" Chuuya quietly scolded him. Dazai began to giggle at how flustered the boy was, looked like he got his mind off of the matter at hand.
  "It would prove to her that I really love you and deserve to be with you" Dazai smirked causing Chuuya to lightly blush. Dazai noticed that Kouyou had gotten up and started to make her way back over to the bench so he quickly sat back next to Chuuya.
  "I have placed a call to your father, he should be here shortly" she smirked devilishly towards Dazai knowing she had just practically placed him on death row in Mori's mind. Chuuya looked at Dazai with a worried look, yet Dazai began to laugh at what she had said.
  "Thank you! I needed a ride home" he smiled towards Kouyou, she was fooled yet Chuuya could see how truly scared he was behind his smile. She turned around to see a black car pull up near the front of the park. Chuuya looked back at Dazai who had a look of absolute terror on his face, Chuuya became more worried. The ginger placed his hand on Dazai's in an attempt to comfort him. Mori got out of the back seat of the car with a smug smirk on his face. The driver shut the door behind him and they began walking towards the two boys and Kouyou.
"So what information did you get out of him Dazai?" Mori asked while smirking at Dazai. The ginger felt the boys hand tighten around his own hand. He looked over towards Dazai then at Mori and back at Dazai. Dazai laughed at his question.
"I got what his lips taste like" Dazai shot a smug smirk at the tall man. Apparently he didn't like Dazai's joke much as he grabbed Dazai but the collar and pulled him up.
"Were going home, and you're not going to ever see that boy again" he pointed at Chuuya who sat horrified on the bench still. He quickly jumped up to try and help Dazai but Kouyou grabbed onto his collar.
"We will be going as well" she gave a polite smile yet you could see the distaste in it, she despised Mori. You to u began to drag Chuuya away, he tried to fight back struggling and reaching towards Dazai as he too was being drug away by Mori.
  "NO STOP LET ME GO!" Chuuya yelled as he struggled against Kouyous grip.
  "PLEASE! DAZAI!" The boy gave out his last try as tears started falling from his eyes knowing there was no way he would see his lover again. Through his tears he took one last glance at Dazai and saw him mouth, 'we will see each other again, I promise'. His tears beginning to fall more as they lost sight of each other Chuuya brought his hands to cover his face, broken yet hopeful that he would see the bandaged boy again. The two arrived home shortly, Chuuya began stomping up the stairs angrily.
  "Chuuya" Kouyou said watching him. "Shut up leave me alone! You obviously don't care about whether I'm happy or not!" He whipped his head around to show he was crying. She sighed and turned around.
  "Love is dangerous in this world Chuuya" she said trying to make him feel better. "I don't care" he said turning back around and walking up the stairs. He slammed the door closed to his room and flopped down on his bed crying profusely this time. 'What if I never see Dazai again' he wondered, he shoved his face in his pillow not wanting to think about that nightmare or a world. A world without Dazai would be a world where Chuuya would have commited suicide. Suddenly his phone vibrated, he didn't really want to talk to anyone but he didn't want his friends thinking there was something wrong with him. He sad up and grabbed his phone, the ginger pressed the power button to reveal a text from none other than Dazai Osamu. He quickly looked at what it said.

"Meet me at the ice cream shop tomorrow at 8pm if you can please!"

  Chuuya's heart fluttered looking at the text, he would have to make up an excuse to go out and hope Kouyou didn't think of him as suspicious. He put his phone back while smiling. The ginger slept well for the first time in a while that night.

Oof anothah one! I had time to post another chapter XD thats rare as of recently! Anyways I hope you enjoyed that and hope you have a great day!
~ Chibi

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