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to say jimin was excited to go to china and see yoongi would be an understatement. he wouldn't shut up about it to jinyoung and mark, not being able to tell yoongi so the two were the only people he could talk to about it, other than yugyeom who he would be telling later in the day when they met up for lunch.

jimin was living life as if yoongi and him weren't in two different countries. of course he missed yoongi and he had those days when he would cry a little but other than that, he was happy knowing that in three weeks he would be in his boyfriends arms. he would be able to feel the elders chapped lips against his own. he would feel loved again.

jimin knew yoongi loved him, it was obvious but the 'i love you's' that they exchanged to each other weren't something that he missed (maybe because he heard them every night on the phone) but jimin missed the hugs, the cuddles and all the random kisses. he missed when the two would lay on either his or yoongi's bed, jimin in between yoongi's legs with his back leaned against the elders chest, talking about anything and everything while yoongi played with his hair. he just really missed being in yoongi's presence.

three weeks wasn't so long but to jimin it felt like years as the days went by. it had only been 2 days since seokjin informed him that he would be joining them in china but jimin felt as if it was much longer, he felt as if the days got longer the closer it got to the date.

to waste time jimin spent most of his days with his friends or at the dance studio that he attended other than going to university. he found that being stuck in university helped the hours go by quicker.

it was saturday and jimin was getting ready to spend the day with yugyeom. all of jimins friends liked yugyeom even bambam. once they got to know him they knew that his intentions with jimin weren't to try ruin his relationship by falling for him but instead he just loved being friends with jimin and besides, he has a thing for the cute guy that works at the the same café as jimin does.

"long time no see, chim." yugyeom smiled as he sat down in front of his friend who pushed a drink over in front of him. jimin rolled his eyes, sipping on his own drink. "you saw me like 3 days ago."

"that's a long time. so what did you need to tell me?"

"uh it's nothing special really, well for me it is but not really for you. i just thought i'd let you know so you don't cry when i'm gone." jimin spoke as he played with the straw that was popped out of the top of his cup.

"gone? where are you going? are you leaving me?" yugyeom shouted causing people to look over at the two of them. jimin lifted his hand and covered his face in embarrassment. yugyeom was always so extra.

"yeah, only for a week though. i'm going to see yoongi in china."

"oh my god why didn't you say that to begin with? i'm so happy for you but i'm not happy you're leaving me. i'll let it slide this time. you can go."

it has only been a few weeks since jimin and yugyeom met each other but they have become really close and spend almost every day with each other and yugyeom had become so use to being around his friend so much. he was happy for jimin though, maybe then he would come back from china and be his old self.

"oh wow thank you, you're so kind. i'm glad i have your permission, dad." jimin rolled his eyes, sarcasm flowing from his words. yugyeom just laughed and continued to finish his drink while the two of them sat and talked about stupid stuff until finally they both had to go home.

"i'll see you again soon." jimin waved as he walked away from yugyeom and began walking in the direction of his house. he hadn't brought his car today because he let jinyoung borrow it.

as he walked through the streets, his hands shoved in his pockets and the wind blowing his hair around he couldn't help but feel off. he had a weird feeling about himself all day but he completely ignored it due to the fact he had been distracted by spending time with yugyeom.

there was certain times when jimin just had enough and he would stay in his room and now leave for days, spending his time crying and stressing out over the littlest things but he just couldn't help it and right now he was hoping it wasn't happening again. ever since he met yoongi it hasn't happened but now he wasn't so sure.

he felt anxious as he walked alone, a sick feeling in his stomach as if something was wrong with him. jimin shook his head and quickly rushed back home, walking straight past jinyoung and mark who were sat in the living room, calling out to him as he done so.

he entered his room and locked the door straight away, sliding down against the back of it.

everything was going so fine today, why is this happening?

his hands moved to his hair and he began tugging on them, tears building up before he began sobbing loudly, loud enough for jinyoung to hear from outside the bedroom.

"jimin, are you okay?" he asked softly, trying to push the door open but to his disappointment it was locked. jinyoung had experienced one of jimins 'episodes' before and he knew how bad they got but he never expected this to happen now, not when he was so happy.

"leave me alone." he sniffled, rubbing his tears away from his face which was pointless cause they just kept coming. jinyoung sighed and walked away, knowing it was the best thing to do.

after what felt like an hour but what was really only ten minutes, jimin got up and left his room, walking straight past mark and jinyoung again. "i'm going a walk." he mumbled, opening the door and slamming it closed.

jinyoung watched as he left the apartment, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. he let out a long breath before falling down beside mark on the sofa. mark wrapped his arm around his shoulder, raising his eyebrows. "is he okay?"

"i dunno. maybe him and yugyeom had a fight, or even him and yoongi. i'll just wait here until he comes home, just to make sure he's safe."

mark agreed with him, saying that he would stay with him to keep him company, which jinyoung appreciated and so the two of them waited and waited for jimin to return but he never did.


hi so sorry for not updating lately i've just been feeling shitty and didn't have the energy to update so yeah

i also changed the plot a little, the idea i originally had didn't fit as i thought onwards

i haven't read over this and it's a mess im sorry 

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