twenty two.

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a while had passed since jimin returned home from china. not much has happened in his life and he hasn't been in contact with yoongi once. of course he missed him, but the more he thought about it, and after talking to jinyoung for hours, jimin knew that being with yoongi wasn't best for him and he finally put his own feelings first.

jimin was soon returning to university after a long break. it was the new year and he decided that he was going to focus on himself and finishing his degree was definitely on the list of things he knew would make him better.

jinyoung couldnt be any more proud of his best friend, not expecting him to come around to himself as quick as he did. he knew that on the inside jimin was still heartbroken and hurt as a result of yoongi's mistakes but he wouldn't bring it up to jimin, not wanting his words to have any negative affect on his progress.

yoongi on the other hand was currently on a break from his career. his break up with jimin had a much worse affect on him than any of his previous ones. he assumed it was because he felt guilty. he knew he should have told jimin about his relationship with woosung, but he didn't want jimin to look at him any different when he found out that yoongi made the huge mistake of cheating on woosung and pushing him to the side, not taking his feelings into consideration.

yoongi and woosung dated for just over a year, before he ever had a relationship with dong sicheng and before he had even become a trainee. their relationship was toxic from the beginning, with it starting when yoongi wasn't fully out to any of his family and friends, this obviously meaning he didn't tell anyone about woosung except for his best friend. he was scared, at the time, being just 16 years old at the time and having his first boyfriend. obviously it seems silly to some people, your first boyfriend from so long ago treating your boyfriend like that, but yoongi knew it was his fault.

towards the end of their relationship, yoongi had no longer felt the same as he did at the start but he was too scared to ever end it. instead, he made the regrettable decision of cheating on him. when confronted, yoongi admitted it and said some things he shouldn't have said, but he was young and scared. it's not an excuse, but it's the only way he can make him feel better about his past mistakes.

woosung was heartbroken but he was mostly angry at yoongi. yoongi suspected he wanted his revenge and wanted him to feel the way he made woosung feel when he cheated on him and that's why as soon as yoongi is in his first public relationship, woosung decided that the best revenge would be to hurt the person who meant the most to yoongi.

obviously, he felt awful about what happened to jimin. in fact, he had tried to reach out to him multiple times but when jimin ignored him every time, he took it as a sign to stop trying, it was the least he could do after what jimin went through.

during his break, yoongi wrote many songs. he thought that heartbreak brought him one good thing and that was how easy he was finding it to write about what he was going through. the other members of bts were worried about him. i mean, they would be, but they knew that their yoongi could get through it cause he's strong. they would always be there to support him, although that didn't mean they agreed with the whole situation. they too were shocked to find out about woosung. 

the news about woosung spread like crazy over the internet and so yoongi's hiatus was much expected. their management weren't happy at all but they knew that this couldn't have been prevented, no one knew it was going to happen. obviously, the internet didn't tell the whole truth but they did manage to discover who woosung was and his relationship with yoongi. there were rumours going around like crazy, many people speculating that yoongi was cheating on jimin with woosung and that the two ended up getting into a situation in the bathroom when they accidentally bumped into each other. obviously, that was far from the truth, but their management decided it was better to let people have their speculations rather than telling the full story.

along with taking a break from his career, yoongi also decided that he was taking a long break from dating. he had come to terms with the fact that him and jimin probably wouldn't be getting back together any time in the near future, but he still couldn't imagine his life without him. he definitely couldn't imagine being with someone else. no matter what, he still believed jimin was his soulmate, it just happened to be the wrong time for them. maybe some day jimin will forgive yoongi, but for now, he just wanted jimin to be happy.


this is very short and is basically just a catch up on what has been happening with them !! it was very long awaited, my apologies, but i can promise you this will be finished sometime this week, not sure if i will do a few more chapters or maybe just a very long last chapter, but i want it to be over now so i can stop feeling guilty about abandoning it!!

thank you for those who have been patient with me, i know it must've been frustrating having to read a fic that was basically discontinued for a long time but if you are still reading this then i love u and thank u for the support and patience !! also hope ur all very safe and are living ur best lives hehe <33

also, comment ur theories on how it's gonna end, i do enjoy reading and replying to comments !

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