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Chapter 1

Soul mates, ugh, whoever made up that bologna didn't live on planet earth. I thought whilst observing the couple in front of me who were fighting for probably the fifth time today. Even though just yesterday they were talking about how they were meant for each other. I sighed feeling sorry for them and me. Why myself? Because I couldn't get to my locker since they were blocking it during their quarrel. Them because they were so obviously not meant to be.

"Oh Charlie, you are such a liar! I saw you with her!" the girl yelled in his face.

"Oh come on babe, you know she means nothing to me either way," he replied.

"Apparently she did mean something to you last night!" she hissed back, obviously not believing him.

"Excuse me," I said firmly. Trying to act like I didn't hear anything they had just said. The girl looked in my direction, her eyes watery.

"Oh-I'm sorry, excuse me," She said politely wiping her tears as she walked away.

"Oh Babes, please don't be like that!" He yelled chasing after her frantically.

I sighed in relief as I hurried and gathered my things from my locker, knowing that I was thirty seconds from being late for class. That would be the third time this week. All because of the couple that happened to have lockers on top of mine. It was like the hallways became twice as long as I scuttled through them. I sighed as I finally made it to the class room, hesitating to enter knowing what was ahead; it was my third time after all.

"It's nice for you to finally join us Ms. Harper," Mr. Sack said as I entered the room. Believe me Mr. Sack, it isn't nice for me.

"Please remember, Ms. Harper, that the third tardy is a detention," he continued.

"Yes Sir." I said just to make him think I cared to change the subject.

"I'll see you at four-o'clock, Ms. Harper," he said while walking toward the board.

To tell the truth, I was glad for detention, it's not like I wanted to go home anyway. Not with my mom and the state she was in. I sat down quickly, keeping my head down and feeling the stares that followed me. Mr. Sack called for attention and started the class. Looking at my textbook I zoned out, not knowing what Mr. Sack was teaching, but I didn't need to, I was an A student. I don't know how I kept my grades up when I barely even paid attention.

My mind was always somewhere else. I fiddled with my necklace my parents gave me until the bell rang. I mindlessly grabbed my things and headed out the door. This is what I do the whole day; I just let my mind wander until it's time for the next period. Lunch is the only highlight, sitting there with my only friend, Cassie, whose strawberry-blond curls bounce as she talks about her parents, and their constant arguing.

"Don't get me wrong, I hate it when they fight Drea, but I hate it even more when they don't. It's like watching the sappiest romantic movie ever; you just want to turn it off." I laughed at that one. Cassie has a way of always making me laugh.

"Well at least your parents are still together," I said, thinking of my parents. Her face became serious.

"I have to admit Drea, when your parents split I was seriously surprised. I would have never thought they would get divorced. They always seemed like the perfect couple." I couldn't disagree with her. My mom and dad always seemed like they were meant to be, but I didn't like to think about it.

"Anyways what are you plans for tonight, Cass?" I said.

"Oh I'm so glad you asked!" Cassie said excitedly, her green eyes lightening up. "There's this party going on over at Rodger's place, I was hoping you could come," I made a frown.

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