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Chapter 3

          I opened my eyes to see the stars above my head. My body totally numb and my head was throbbing. I sat up to try and recognize my surroundings. I could barely move not being able to feel my limbs. I continued to blink trying to get the blur out of my eyes. When my surroundings finally came to view I realized I was surrounded by trees and laying on top of grass.

          I looked up at the sky once again and it all came rushing back, parents, faeries, Farina, goblins, a white witch, and my soul-mate. It all came back in flashes so fast I closed my eyes hoping it would stop them. But the flashes didn't stop till I remembered falling asleep crying. I rubbed my temple. Another reason I hated crying. It gave me massive headaches.

         My head continued to throb as I tried to stand up with my numb legs. As I stood, the feeling in my legs started to return leaving them stinging painfully. It hurt to walk but I was so cold I didn't care. I just wanted to get to my car to try to warm myself up, and try to get the feeling back in my arms and hands. Relief flooded through me as I saw my blue Focus gleam in the night. Glad I didn't walk so far from my car. I opened the car door as fast as I possibly could with my inoperative hands.

        I had left my keys in the ignition so I quickly turned on the car on turning the heat on full blast. I sat there as my body finally started to heat up. I felt like I was frozen and I finally was beginning to thaw out. I shivered. I didn't plan to fall asleep in a park again anytime soon. The feeling in my arms and hands started to come back bringing the same stinging pain as my legs and feet.

       With my head on the steering wheel I finally looked up. Oh crap. I had no idea where I was. I bumped my head back on the steering wheel in irritation. Maybe I should have let dad install that GPS in the car. I glanced at the time in the car. It was almost four 'o'clock in the morning. My mom and dad were probably worried sick. I never stayed out this late without calling or explaining where I was. I sighed.

          My anger obviously flooded away if I'm caring how they felt right now. I never really had a reason to be mad at them in the first place. Everything they told me, none of it was their fault. But that didn't change the fact that they told me late and in a few days I won't be here anymore. Thinking about it made my anger rise bringing me to the verge of tears once again. But I was tired of crying my head still throbbed from the sob fest earlier.

           So I rapidly tried to find something else to think about. I looked up again. I really don't even remember how I got here. I have to call someone. I started to pat my pockets feeling for my phone. I sighed in defeat. It wasn't there. I racked my brain trying to find where I left it last. I sighed in relief, the glove compartment. I opened it quickly. Thank God. It was there.

          I hesitated calling my parents. I didn't know if I felt like hearing my mom's worried voice, and my dad listening in right next to her. I thought calling Cassie but she was probably asleep by now. Besides even if I did call her I would probably get her lost too. She had a horrible since of direction and me having no idea where I was would be no help to her.

          My mind fled back to my parents. They were probably in a car right now searching for me. Guilt clung to me as thought back on all of it once again. Nothing, none of it was in there control. Everything they did was to protect me. I felt really bad. Their actions were all selfless. Their best interests were for me and Farina. They had no choice in the matter. Just like me. They didn't choose this path for me. They just knew it was going to happen. I had to call them just to let them know I was fine. Dialing one, speed dial for mom, as suspected she answered on the first ring.

"Drea? Honey are you okay?! Where are you?!" The panic mom felt was evident in her voice, which just made my guilt grow.

"Is that Drea? Is she all right? Where is she?" I could hear my dad's voice in the background sounding just as worried as my mom's.

"I'm fine guys I just wanted ya'll to know that I'm just fine and I-I'm on my way home." I stuttered knowing that I was lying and that I had no idea where I was.

"Drea we know your lying. Now can you tell us where you are?" I grew nervous.

"Um I'm just at the town p-park I'll be home soon." I had never lied to my parents before. It was harder than I thought.

"Honey stop lying to us and tell us where you are." My dad was on the phone now and my nervousness grew. How did they know I was lying anyway?

"Listen guys I'm fine and I'm on my way home so I'll see you soon." I had to get off the phone. I didn't know what else to do telling them I was lost would just make them worry more.

"Drea don't you dare hang up the-" I fumbled as I tried to hang up the phone letting my dad's words come out then cutting them short as I hung up the phone. I sighed scared and lost do not make a good combination. Looking up I backed up out of the parking lot. Maybe if I just followed the last road I was on I might remember how I got here.

          I drove out into the empty dark road slowly. Gaining speed the further I drove. I could hardly recognize anything everything looked so different at night. I groaned. Where the heck am I? I continued to drive faster as I slowly started to recognize the scenery and signs. I sighed in relief. Yes I really was headed home. I took a happy turn barely catching a glimpse of a dark figure in the road before running it over. My mind went blank. Skidding the car to a stop as I got out in a panic. My heart was racing at unstoppable speed. I looked at the ground to see a tumbled up person on the road. "OH MY GOD! ARE YOU OKAY?!" I scream in fear


Hope you like the chapter! I know most of you know who she ran over. For those you don't .Yea! Keep guessing. But please comment and vote. Constructive criticism. You've heard it all before. Bye bye!=)

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