Blue Eyes

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Chapter 4

       I was in complete panic mode looking down at the unknown person. Who did I just run over? I hoped to God they weren't dead. The person was face down on the ground and made no movement what's so ever, which isn't a surprise for a person who just got ran over by a car. Whoever it was, was shirtless, which let me know it was a guy. My mind was all over the place and I had no idea what I was going to do.

       The pulse! I had to check if he was still alive. I quickly placed two fingers on his neck. His pulse was faint but it was there. Okay. Okay. What do I do next? At the moment I had no idea. I was such a nervous wreck that I completely forgot about medical help. So when it did pop in my head I was in even more panic for taking so long. I had to get him to the hospital. I hastily turned him over to try and pick him up, stopped unconsciously stunned by his looks.

       His looked out of this world. His hair was dark as the night sky and was tousled every which way, making me want to run my fingers through it. His face was covered in scraps and scratches, but not even that could hide his handsome features. His eyebrows were arched above his eyes impeccably. His jaw line and nose looked like it was chiseled specifically to frame his face. My eyes started to drift downward towards his chest.        

      He was built but it wasn't over bearing, which I thought about most guys who actually had muscles. His figure fit excellently with everything else, framing his whole body. I gazed back upward enchanted by him, his face still capturing me. He looked truly perfect.

     I unknowingly started to reach toward him then suddenly stopped myself. What was I doing? What's wrong with me? I stared back at his face to see the scraps and cuts. I caused those and I'm sitting here gawking at him. I quickly shook myself and heaved him on top of my back. Wow he was heavier than he looked. Taking one step at a time I went as fast as I could to get him inside the car.

      I struggled opening the car door but I finally opened it and placed him in the back seat. He really didn't fit but I had to hurry and get him to the hospital, so I didn't take time to make him comfortable. I hurried into the car and started it. Driving fast but not too fast where I could hit something or someone else. I hurried to find my phone to call my parents. Once again my mom answered on the first ring.

      "Um..hi mom." My voice was on the verge of shaking from what just happened but I managed to control it, just barely.

"Honey, are ready to tell us where you are?" Her voice was calm but stern. Almost commanding me to tell her where I was and I was going to, to an extent anyways.

"Um yeah um I'm actually on my way to the hospital." I waited, anxiety rising, for my mom's response. I could almost feel her distress rise over the phone.

"You're on the way to hospital?! What happened?! Where are you hurt?! How bad is it?!" Her voice went back to panic mode rapidly.

"Liz what happened? What's wrong with Drea?!" My dad said with as much alarm in his voice as mom's, which just added to my own dismay.

"Please calm down guys I'm fine. Itâs not me who has to go to the hospital." I said it faster than I thought I would be able to. Probably because my fear rushed it out of me. They paused in confusion. My heart raced as I prepared to tell them that I just ran over some one.

     "Then who is it honey?" Mom said with genuine curiosity.I opened my mouth to speak then quickly closed it back. My heart was beating unbelievable fast. I opened my mouth once again to answer their question.

"Um just meet me at the hospital." I said swiftly and hung up the phone turning it off. I chickened out. But how could I tell my parents I just ran over someone. I sighed. I've been through a lot these last seventeen hours. Now I get to add to my list an almost man slaughterer.

        I couldn't help but look in my rear view mirror to see him. He lay in the same spot as I had left him, which made me feel bad cause it did look uncomfortable, making me want to hurry and get to a hospital. My mind went back to how I ran over him and how I barely saw a glimpse of him.          

       Where did this guy come from? I mean what would a guy be doing out here in the middle of the night shirtless. Its like he came out of nowhere. I continued to think and it was like I was missing something--like my mind wanted me to avoid the answer.

        I looked back at him again. Who is this guy? I looked back and forth between the road and him which considering was bad idea after I had just run over someone. You think I'd be more self-conscious of the road, but I couldn't help it for some reason his presence allured me. That would be strange for me because I've rarely even looked at other guys, they annoyed me. After talking to myself for what seemed like forever, we finally reached town. I looked back to check up on him to see him actually move.

       My heart skipped a beat, was he waking up. This made my nerves go out of whack. I tried my best to keep the wheel steady and keep my eyes on the road. I glanced at him anyway, which made me stop the car because of what I saw. Not only was he waking up, his cuts and bruises were completely gone, I was unbelievably astonished. His head started to move as he sat himself up. I just sat and stared as he stretched his arms, constricting his muscles, leaving me unable to glance away. I couldn't look away as he opened his bright blue eyes.


There it is. Sorry it's so short but I hope it's good. Any who please vote and comment. Criticism is wanted. bye bye!=)

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