My Transformation

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Chapter 8


Once her parents took her out of the room the warmth that surrounded me left with her. Gone for a few seconds and I wanted her back. Drea felt too far away even though she was only in the next room. My body already screaming at me to follow her, then it hit me that I would have to leave her when I found the princess, and had to return to Farina. How could I possibly do that? Just a few feet distance from Drea tempted me to follow them into that room. So how would the move to another planet without her feel? I already knew I would go insane. Drea was my soul-mate I couldn't possibly leave her. She was everything to me now, and my muscles tensed at just the thought of leaving her.

However I couldn't leave my country in peril for my selfish needs. I have to find the princess. The king and queen may be able to send the princess back and they could tag along. No, that was actually impossible. Even if they did have enough magic to send the princess and themselves to Farina, the faeries of Farina would not be able to accept the king and the queen willingly. There would be a lot of controversy. After all the king and queen did abandon Farina and they have no idea why.

All they need is the princess right? I sighed knowing that the white witch did include that me and the princess were to come back together. I bowed my head in irritation. There had to be a way possible that I will end up with Drea and still get the princess to Farina. I paced around the room trying to think of a possible way.

It seemed like my mind had been on a solution for hours even though I know it was much shorter, but I still came up with absolutely nothing. Which angered me to no end, I had to make a decision of some kind. Drea and her parents were not going to be in that room forever. Hopefully anyways because I really wanted to see Drea's angelic face right about now. My wish seemed to come true as I saw Drea and her parents enter the room. Her entrance bringing back the warmth that I was now addicted to. I smiled at her hoping to see that radiant blush of hers. I was not disappointed as that lovely shade of pink covered her cheeks. Entranced by her appearance I only heard the last sentence that her parents uttered.

"This is our daughter Drea, she is princess of Farina, and you may address her as Princess Drea" Her dad said with pride. I took a few steps closer to them. I didn't know what to do or say. Drea was the princess of Farina which meant I didn't have to leave her or my country. That itself brought me uncontrollable happiness, but it also meant that I was the soul-mate to the princess of Farina, and probably the future queen.



It was all happening. He now knew that I was the princess and was going to take me to Farina. I gave mom and dad one final hug. Trying to remember everything about them in these last few minutes I had. Including their scent, like mom's floral scent that always surrounded her. Her scent was always changing to different flowers with each passing day. Today she smelled like lavender which would be hard to forget. Dad smelled the way the air smells right after a rain storm or right before one, and I loved that smell it always brought me comfort. I inhaled both of their scents deeply trying to always remember them.

"Don't worry honey, everything will be okay. Mom whispered in my ear, tears once again streaming down my face. Dad knelled down in front of me coming face to face level with me.

"You're a strong one honey you'll make it through this." He breathed in my face trying to reassure me. Their words left me content and ready. I stood back observing their appearances for what would probably be the last time. Even with sadness ridden in their faces their looks still remained admirable. I stared into their kind eyes mom's hazel ones glistening from the tears in them. Dad's jaw clenched trying to keep in tears.

I etched everything about them today in my brain including the clothes they were wearing. Like mom's nicely fitted silky fuchsia shirt and a long majestic skirt that matched her elegant personality. My eyes ran across my dad's outfit. He was wearing a black denim jeans, that hugged in all the right places.With a grey collared shirt leaving two buttons unbutton at the top showing his collar bone ,the shirt casually showing off his physique.I stared at them attentively wanting to remember everything I could.

"One final thing darling," dad said, slowly reaching toward me wrapping his hand around my wrist. Turning it up face ward to where my star shaped birth-mark was noticeable. I nearly forgot I had the birthmark. I watched as both mom and dad each placed a finger on the birthmark. Wondering what they were doing I stared up at them to see them mumbling words I couldn't comprehend. They continued to mumble as my wrist started to tingle then burn.

"Ouch." I said pulling my wrist from under their fingers. Zalden was beside me in instant my wrist in his hands as he observed it. My whole body seemed electrified by his touch. It took all I had to keep my eyes down and not to look into those mesmeric eyes of his. Which I know was peering at me right now. With my eyes gazing down at my wrist I noticed that my birthmark was totally gone. I cocked my head up to the side and looked back up to my parents.

"What just happened?" I asked confused as Zalden slowly released my hand knowing that I was okay, immediately missing his touch.

"We released the seal that we put on you that suppressed your powers." Dad answered.

"You put a seal on me, what for?" I asked.

"We did it because we had to hold back your powers for you to have remained in your human form." Mom explained.

"So now you will soon transform." Dad said slowly. Transform?

"Into a faerie?"

"Yes into a faerie, and its already beginning." he said in response.

I looked down at my wrist and noticed detailed, lilac colored, designs form around them. My hands flew to my ears my suspicion correct. My ears were had grown around five inches. I glided my hands across them leading to the tip point. Yep those were definitely faerie ears even though they felt exactly the same. I slowly rubbed two fingers across my forehead feeling for the encrusted jewels. They were there alright. I had one big jewel right smack dab in the middle and two little ones on each side of it.

Finally I could actually feel my wings growing, but it didn't hurt. I just felt a tingling sensation on my back. I looked back to see my wings shimmering the same shade of lilac as my wrist. The designs on my wings had a mix between mom and dad's. With straight lines that busted in all directions in the middle of my wings, curving into spirals at the end.

I noticed that our wings were not the frilly fairy wings that imitated butterflies that you see on TV. They were actually pointed at the top, which caused them to look sharp and direct, almost powerful. As I thought this I unintentionally flapped one sending a gust of wind towards mom and dad who gave me a weak smile. The movement of my wings escalated me a few inches off the floor then quickly sending me back down. I lost my footing as I landed leaving Zalden to catch me.

This time I had no choice but to look into those sapphire blue eyes of his, forsaking me to feel the immediate pull towards him that I felt every time I looked at him, even though we were already so close I could feel the heat from his body on mine, making me involuntarily blush once again.

"You alright princess," Zalden said with that brilliant smile of his that made my blush deepen in color. This time his words not only gripping me, but also making my transformation complete. I was a faerie now, but not only had I transformed into something else. I had transformed into someone else. I was no longer Drea Harper, but princess Drea of Farina.


Well what do you think! I personally thought it was pretty good. But who cares what I think I want to know what ya'll think so COMMENT! Please! Bye Bye!=)

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