My Destiny?

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Chapter 2

          "Okay so I'm... a faerie?" it was the first time I said the word out loud. It felt so weird but not as weird at staring at the form my parents were in and actually in awe.

          "Yes honey, I know that you being a faerie is a lot to take in, but there's more," Mom hastily spoke her wings fluttering in response. I could tell she was in a rush to get something else out in the open.

          "What? There's more?" Oh great, first I get told that I'm a faerie, then I only get sixty seconds to pull myself together before they dump another unexpected load on me.

          "Yes honey, there's actually a lot more…and it's all about you," Mom spoke calmly. My dad looked at me with anxiety in his eyes before Mom began.

          "Honey we come from a place called Farina. A land where peace was always something that overruled. Me and your father, we were the rulers of this land."  I looked at them wide eyed all of a sudden feeling a whole different aura surround them,one that seemed just a little overwhelming.

          "The jewels encrusted on our foreheads and the prints on our ears signify our royalty. You also have them Drea, since you are the princess of our land."

Wait, not only was I a faerie, I was a faerie princess that came from some other world. I know I should have been totally freaked out but I said nothing. I was totally stunned in place and I wanted to at least hear the rest before I mentally exploded.

          "The people of our land always believed that peace would reign in our land forever, and so did we," Mom said, reading my reaction as a sign to continue. 

"But we were wrong. You see faeries are good-hearted beings. Even if we don't do the nicest thing or say the nicest things, our intentions are always good. But we soon found out that all faeries didn't have good intentions. Once something happens to corrupt a faeries heart, they turn into another being internally. Those beings are called goblins.”

"Greedy little beings that seek to either destroy or rule Farina," Dad added, his words seeping in anger.

"Now, there was a white witch who foretold the future of our land. She had been the witch of Farina for generations and we trusted every premonition she had," my mother continued.

“Wait, a witch that can tell the future, and for generations? Just how old is she and why would you trust her?

“She is much older than you would understand right now, and her visions have saved faeries lives many times; including yours." What?

“You’ll understand better once we finish the story,” Mom spoke when seeing the look on my face.

          "So we were very excited when she told us we were going to have a baby girl," my father chipped in with a faraway look in his eyes, like he was re-living what happened.

          "But the information of your birth was not the only thing she told us," my mother said just barely above a whisper. My eyes were on her as she moved across the room calmly sitting next to me, her warmth comforting me. 

"Just a few weeks before your birth, the white witch had another premonition. It was a premonition of your future, and your death," my dad's voice low.  Silence filled the room. I didn't know what to say or do. My mind was blank.

        "It was the goblins,   It’s not until their bad intention is put into action that we can tell them apart from us. Then the only difference is their demonic crimson eyes. But by the time they are revealed, it could be too late. Because once they heard word of your birth they knew you would be the easiest and most effective way to start a war to overthrow the faeries. So, they somehow snuck into the castle and took your life," Dad confirmed. I sighed. I felt relieved death wasn't in my future; it was in my past, but one thing still puzzled me

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