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Chapter 9


        She was the princess of Farina? Well that explains a lot. Like how we were going to get back to Farina. Our powers combined would be more than enough to get back to Farina. Especially since we were soul-mates. That's why they were so rare after all. Once soul-mates powers were joined they would have an incredible amount of power between the two. It made perfect since now why the white witch would send me out of all the knights to go get the princess. She knew I was her soul-mate, which meant the white witch left out an important detail.

         That yes Drea was the key to winning the war but also that I was too.Wow this was a lot to take in. Where does this leave us? She was a princess and I may be a knight but that's all I was. Its been tradition that royal blood must marry royal blood. Its been that way for generations.Can the fact that we are soul-mates change anything? I sighed. the thought of Drea ending up with anyone else made my blood boil, but we'll just have to see. The white witch will know whats supposed to happen and whether me and Drea can be together.

"Ouch!" I was not knocked out of my thoughts when I heard Drea's voice. I rushed over to her holding her wrist, examing how hurt she was. I didn't see anything wrong except a small stream of smoke escaping to the air. Seeing she was alright I gently let go of her. Trying to ignore the quivers she sent trough my whole body from her touch. 

"What just happened?" Drea asked .

"We released the seal that we put on you that suppressed your powers." The king answered .

"You put a seal on me, what for?" She asked in genuine confusion.

"We did it because we had to hold back your powers for you to have remained in your human form." The queen explained.

"So now you will soon transform." The king said calmly.

"Into a faerie?" She asked.

"Yes into a faerie, and its already beginning." he said in response.

           My eyes were completely focused on her as her transformation began. Her ears had instantly grew longer leaving them pointy at the end. Her  creamy complexion stayed exactly the same as three lavender colored jewels appeared on her forehead. Nothing could turn me away as I witnessed her wings grow into place. The sheer lavender color in them gleaming, matching the intricate designs on her wrist and the tip of her ears. Her wings were keen, yet graciously exquisite. The lavender color in her wings seemed to make her skin glow. Her auburn hair seemed to compliment the lavender colors and her skin beautifully. The transformation enhancing her evident beauty. She was positively magnificent. That moment my whole outlook  changed. I didn't care if she was the princess or the future queen. She was mine and no one else would have her.

        When I thought this she flapped one of her wings lifting herself off the floor and landing only to tip backwards. I instinctively caught her, our eyes connecting in the process.

        "You alright princess?" I asked with a smile seeing that now notorious blush of hers. We were so close to each other that I didn't want to fight the feeling that erupted through me from knowing that her body was so close to mine. The heat from her body came through her clothing as I felt it on my bare skin. I drew myself closer letting the indefinite pull I felt towards her take over. Her being a princess the last thought on my mind.



        I continued to gaze at him forgetting where I was. Not knowing that we closing in on the each other. The static in the air building with our lips only inches apart. I could actually feel his breath on my lips sending shivers through my whole body. My brain had no say so in the matter as the inches became centimeters. My body was in complete control.

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