Bastard-Chan's First Mixer?

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Mahiru's P. O.V.

After the fail that was yesterday  I've decided to keep my distance from Kuro and his family  but like everything with my life now something unexpected occurred .......

At Lunch

I was walking with my friends after we just got done eating from lunch. Then I heard MAHIRUUUUU, ugh do you guys hear that I asked nut my question was answered when at lightning speed I was dragged away from my friends by none other than Misono. Misono what was that for and take me back to my friends now wait where are we? I then started looking around and I realized I was in the same janitor's closet that Lily abducted me....... do they just normally drag people here. Mahiru I need your help. What is it Misono, I know we haven't known each other long but I'd like to help any way I can. What is it, Well Mahiru I've been invited to a mixer by Lily. Really, what do you not believe me he said looking rather hurt. No I do it's just shouldn't you ask Lily about these things, I would but he started twiddling his fingers,he was shaking then he looked up at me 100% seriously saying. I would but I'm afraid he would make fun of me or think I'm childish, I know its a one year age difference but I want to be mature enough for him to-. He stopped abruptly, my guess he realized what he was saying and stopped. Misono do you have a crush o-. I swear to you Mahiru if you continue that sentence this closet will be the only thing you'll ever see again, He had the crazy eyes so I stopped questioning him. So will you help me Mahiru he asked pleadingly. I would Misono but I can't do this by myself, hopefully this would get me out of this situation I mean a mixer is the least of someone's worries plus I haven't been to one with girls since junior high (basically middle school idk I heard it in an anime once). 

I can help,behind me I heard a lazy monotone voice. KURO SERIOUSLY CAN'T YOU ENTER A CONVERSATION NORMALLY.. sorry Mahiru no can do he said quite rather seriously. What's with everyone so serious today, I still remember yesterday your not fooling me. Wait Kuro when have you want to do something, A mixer is good for my manga I mean I've never been to one he said nonchalantly wow he's very commited to his manga you think he would pay attention to his school work or make more friends and start our relationship with a pretty gir- , Mahiru so you'll help me? Ugh sure Misono I couldn't turn him down. WAIT what am I thinking I'm Mahiru Shirota  my motto is to keep things simple this won't be that bad right?

Time Skip: To Kuro's House

We were invited to Kuro's house. Wait you live on your own, I asked Kuro. Yeah, why? where's your parents. It's a secret he said. ARE YOU KIDDING ME he covered my mouth and said, Shush I have neighbors and I was just joking he whispered to me, he then removed his hand and then he looked away rather dramatically. You don't have to tel-. My mom remarried and my dad hasn't been well there I guess he said still looking away from me. Kuro I'm sor- he gently brushed me off and opened his apartment door saying, Welcome to my lovely home as unimpressive as ever. Ilooked around and it looked pretty normal IF IT WASN'T FOR THE HUGE PILE OF FAST FOOD AND CUP NOODELS. What is this Kuro I said while I was grinding my teeth. 

Misono's P.O.V.:After 2 hours

We finally finished cleaning after 2hours. I was mad but at least we started now than never, I was seated at one side of a table while Kuro and Mahiru were seated on the other side. So your going to be seated this way mahiru began. He then started talking about the things the girls might ask. So what's your name Mahiru began .Misono I stated. How about you ask Kuro questions Mahiru stated. So why are you out here tonight, he then answered I'm just here for research purposes, THEN WHY ARE YOU HERE. I was done then Mahiru asked so have you done this kind of thing before, I started sweating bullets and losing breath I CANT BREATHE then everything turned black...... Despite my horrible start, Mahiru started slowly and eased me into it. After a few hours I WAS READY......

Mahiru's P.O.V.: After Misono's Lesson

Misono had left for the mixer and I just stayed to make sure Kuro's house stayed nice and clean.God that was so tiring I stated exhaustly. I thought he was unteachable but you done it, but I still can't believe neither of them realize their romantic feelings for each other. Hey you can't judge you never dated anyone. Neither have you Mahiru, whatever I'm going home Night I waved Kuro goodbye and walked to the mixer.

Misono's P.O.V.: At The Mixer

 There was girls on karaoke and I was being fed by the girls, tehey apparently think my short stature is cute I mea sure if anyone else said that I'd be angry but it was nice being pampered.A girl was talking to me. Misono your not paying attention. She looked mad so I remembered flirting  in Kuro's manga draft and I grabbed her chin and pulled her to me saying I'm sorry princess I got distracted from your beauty I then finished it off with a wink, she then blushed heavily and the girls in the background started going awwwweeee. I was so happy I then started chuckling a little, I looked up seeing all the girls blushing hard, is it really that easy....

Lily's P.O.V.

I was cool at the start with one or two girls now their are 8 girls surrounded him, feeding him,talking to him and touching him nonchalantly I was going mentally insane HE'S MINE. A random girl turned my face saying, Why are you not paying attention to me Lily I'm so lonely. I DONT CARE  I was screaming mentally but I then told her I'm sorry continue. While she was blabbing on about nonsense, I was watching Misono and the sluts. Everything was going okay until one of the sluts told him she should be paying attention to him , I was planning for Misono to stutter but he then pulled her in telling her "princess I got distracted by your beauty". I was so mad but I would keep myself when he started chuckling and all the girls started blushing. THAT'S IT I walked over to Misono. Hey what's up Lily, I grabbed him and started tugging him out of the mixer till we were finally outside. Lily what was that about I was having a blast. Well I wasn't, why he asked, this is normally your thing you know whatever I'm going back. I couldn't allow that no were leaving. What why? its past your curfew. Its 7:30 he stated looking at his watch. Damn his brains. Whatever were going. NO I'M NOT A KID I'M JUST ONE YEAR YOUNGER WHY DO YOU TREAT ME LIKE THIS, PLUS KURO IS TWO YEARS YOUNGER AND YOU TREAT HIM LIKE YOUR SENPAI,he was breathing heavily he finally calmed down. I don't need this or you, he started walking away I was sad and angry so I kissed him. I was sad that he wasn't kissing back so I started to pull away then he pulled me back in and started kissing back passionately. My eyes were wide and I saw his huge bush and decided to kiss back and close my eyes. We pulled back needing air. 

Misono's P.O.V.

I was breathing in as much air as possible since I was getting light headed. My heart was beating so loud I thought I needed  a hospital. After I regained composure he looked at me smirking. I looked away blushing hard. So do you wanna go out, HUH. I said do you wanna go out, I mean after what we just did I presume you like me back so do you wanna go out. EH okay I was still blushing, Good let me walk you home and then we can continue that hot make out session. I threw a book at him. SHUT UP LILY. Ow okay ,where do you even get those books they're hardback. Shut up and walk me home. We started walking while our fingers brushed, we slowly started holding hands. This is nice....... 

Author's Note

I was really hard to know what to do with this story. Also I'm sorry this was more dramatic than comedic and yeah I 'm making ships cannon, fight me , lol I'm kidding. I was thinking of making Kuro Mahiru's first love but I decided that it would be a lot better to develop Kuro's character then make Kuromahi a thing, but It's going to take a while before Kuromahi becomes a thing .....

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