Mikuni's New Friend

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Mikuni's P.o.v.

I was walking with my little brother to meet up with his boyfriend, I'm happy for Misono I always knew he was gay. BASTARD WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME, Misono screamed at me. I want to keep my little brother safe is that so wrong, I gave my best smile. YOU DON'T EVEN GO TO THIS SCHOOL. I don't get your point, I said ignoring his comment. Uh whatever, we continued walking until we made it to the drama club. Misono saw his boyfriend and walked up to him smiling, Ah young love, I whispered. I was about to walk up to Misono too annoy him again when I heard a clink sound. I looked up at the stage and saw a scene was going on. What really caught me off guard was when I saw one of the actors were oddly dress, this male wore a black robe that went down to his ankles and a  brown paper bag on his head with twoother paper bags on top of each other. This might have made some people weirded out but I was intrigued.

I walked on the stage and took the sword from the other male. (he was normally dressed btw) Huh, the male asked confused. Go I'm taking your place or do you got a problem with it, I asked smiling at him, but my aura being dark and menacing. I'm guessing he got my message because he ran away screaming Satan. So on guard,(is that how you spell it) the male smirked and stood a stance waiting for me to make the first move. Too bad I was already ahead of him, I lunged at him with the (fake sword) in  hand preparing to stab his ass. (not literally btw) I thought I had the upper hand when he just as quickly blocked my attack with just as much force. I couldn't tell by the paper bag but I'm pretty sure he's smirking. We went on a full blown battle. I was struggling but I was determined to win whoever this was. I made a sneak attack and somehow got his sword caught in mine. Suddenly his sword flew up in the air as if in slow motion. It finally dropped on the floor of the stage. I gave a proud smirk looking at him, good game am I right. He didn't look at me before picking up his sword. Your not too bad for an amateur, he laughed before walking away. I should have been mad but this male is pretty exciting. I leapt off the stage and walked up to Misono and his boyfriend. Wow that was amazing, Misono's boyfriend said excitedly as If stars in his eyes. Hmph it was okay, Misono said annoyed. Aw don't be so mean Misono, Misono was glaring at his lover annoyed. So Misono I'll be transferring to your school.  WHAT, Misono stood upright shocked. YAYYY MIKUNI IS COMING TO OUR SCHOOL, Misono's lover squealed like a fan boy. Uuh YOU CAN'T. Why not, BECAUSE YOUR 23. I shrugged, age is just a number. A NUMBER THAT WON'T LET YOU IN THIS SCHOOL. We're rich enough for them to forget about that. Uh why do you even want to come to this school. I smirked, I want to find out more about that guy I just battled with. It was a sword fight with plastic swords. Doesn't matter, I shrugged smiling. Misono sighed, whatever I'm going to class, he left quickly after.

3rd person P.o.v.

Meanwhile Kuro was sitting at Mahiru's desk helping Kuro with his last few chapters of his manga. Why haven't you been working more on your manga I thought It was your whole world, Mahiru asked. Your my whole world, Kuro whispered. What, Mahiru said while his face starting to go red. NO I DIDN'T MEAN LIKE THAT, Kuro was getting red too. Hey can we just do the manga, Kuro said trying to change the subject. Yeah sorry. They didn't look at each other for the rest of the day.

Jeje's P.o.v.

I went back to the changing room angered. Who does that guy think he is looking so smug right after beating me. I took off my paper bags and changed back to my uniform. Ugh time to get back to class. I was walking back to my class books in hand when I accidently bumped into someone. My books went flying, everyone saw and they started whispering to one another. I felt my cheeks getting hotter, this is the reason I wear the costume. I don't want anyone to see my hideous face and my shy nature. I knelt down and tried to pick up my books trying to block out the whispers. Clutz, stupid, you know he's so quiet and shy all the time its annoying. I finally got my books and started to walk again when I felt someone trip me. Oh great, I waited for the impact before I felt my shoulder being pulled up slowly. Huh, I turned around to whoever helped me back up. It was the guy I had the battle with, great he knows who I am and wants to embarrass me. Hey you dropped this, he gave me back my book. Oh thank you, wow he's not so bad. He smiled, a genuine one.  Hi I'm Mikuni Alicien , he shaked my hand. Oh I'm Jeje. Nice to meet you Jeje lets hang out next time, he walked away happily. Weird guy, I walked to my class.

The Next Day: Drama Club

Hey everybody gather around I've got some exciting news, the president said excitedly. We were all  gathered around him. We have a new member, he pointed to the door and out came Mikuni. Mikuni Alicien everybody, Mikuni bowed before running to me. Oh fancy to see you here, I change my mind this guy sucks. Yeah I'm part of this club why are you here. Well I wanted to see you again, why I deadpanned, this guy is so annoying. I couldn't stop thinking about you, he looked away with a faint blush on his cheeks. OH DON'T TELL ME HE'S IN  LO-

SO LETS BE FRIENDS. I'm sorry what, I looked at him puzzled. Yeah so you want to be friends. Uh what, I'm sorry isn't this a love confession. He started laughing, no no I'm sorry I can't feel the same way about you. THISSS GUY, I kicked him in the face. Owwwww what the hell. Just start rehearsals you waste of oxegen. I don't know why but I'm disappointed...

Fuck it I blame him

Author's Note

I'm sorry I've been gone for so long from this story. School sucks and I have developed a cold so that sucks. ALSO THANKS SO MUCH FOR 100 READS (well technically 188 reads) BUT STILL THANKS SO MUCH. See you again soon.....

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