A Horrible Decision

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Mahiru's P.O.V.

I was making my way into class like every morning, then I saw Kuro sleeping. KURO GET UP I screamed at him I swear I'm going to lose my voice because of this. He slowly lifted up his hed looking at me, Mahiru why do you always do this why can't I  sleep. Are you kidding me, I started to realise my right eye was twitching. Aww your going to be the death of me I mumbled. MAHIRU, Oh god what now, Lily was running up to me. How do people randomly come into our classroom don't they have classes or do they just don't care. MAHIRU ME AND MISONO ARE DA- I didn't have time to process  what he said before Misono came in saying SHUT UP LILY. I was even more confused until Lily spoke up again. Why do you not want your first friend to know about this lily said. Yes but I wanted to tell him, Misono then started to look away sadly. OH YOUR JUST TOO CUTE okay you tell him, Lily then proceeded to move away for me and Misono quickly came up to me. He looked so happy and terrified at the same time, he then started mumbling something . What I'm sorry I didn't get that. Me and lily- he then mumbled the rest. Speak up Bastard-Chan nobody can understand, I jumped when I heardKuro's voice, I still haven't got used to it. OK ME AND LILY ARE DATING, he looked angry for a second until he realized he just screamed that out loud.

The whole class were staring until all the girls were asking questions like crazy, Since when, who confessed first, Did you guys go on dates already, have you kissed. I'm pretty sure that one said Misono off as he started blushing hard. Lily was just laughing and he received a couple glares from the girls and Misono. Ok that's it  you guys need to leave before the teacher finds out, I stated angrily, I was done with this situation and asked them to leave politely which they then agreed and left. The teacher walked in after shortly. Thank god that was over.

At Lunch: Mahiru's P.O.V.

I met up with Kuro In the hallway asking about how his manga was going. Hey Nii-Chan and Mahiru. I looked from Kuro to see Hyde, Oh hey what's up Hyde, I'm putting up poster' for my  new show he said proudly. Oh you do shows that's cool I never knew I told him. Oh really you haven't well I preform in the school shows, I'm like a big deal, well isn't he smug. Really I'm sorry I haven't heard. It's not that big of a deal Mahiru, kuro told me. It is a big deal Kuro not all of us want to be in the shadows like you Nii-Chan. Anways Licht also helps out. Really I'd never pick Licht for acting , well with the way he acts maybe its not that surprising. No he just plays the music . Licht plays an instrument what? The piano, mad for an angel, perfect for my Licht. I thought the harp was associated with angels.... Oh do you want to see him playing. Yeah that would be great. Great let's go to the music room he's practicing Hyde said happily. I followed Hyde and we made it to the music room . Hyde slowly opened the door trying to be s quiet as possible. We saw Licht on the other side of the room with a grand piano playing a beautiful melody. It was so beautiful ,I was entranced . The way his fingers swept throught the keys and his eyes focused on the keys, If I haven't known how he acted like you would think he was a respectable young man. Wow he's good Kuro whipered. I flinched. What the hell Kuro I whispered/yelled at Kuro. What' s  wrong Mahiru he whispered to me. How did you get there, wait how do you even do it I swear you weren't here before I whisper/yelled at him. Its a se- , Before he finished that sentence I covered his mouth. Nevermind I don't need to know.

Licht abruptly stopped and turned his head, facing us he said What do you guys want. Were we that obvious. Yep he replied while giving me a obviously look. Sorry Licht-kun,Lich turned to Hyde and then started hitting him repeatedly while stomping on his face saying , HOW MANY TIMES DO I TELL YOU TO STOP CALLING ME THAT. SHIT RAT FUCKING DIE. How are they even dating. Huh Kuro responded. Who wants a relationship like that I asked him truthfully. He responded saying I don't know I guess its interesting that way than having a lovey dovey relationship. Well I wouldn't want a relationship with someone I couldn't stand. He turned his face to me saying but could you still fall in love with that person. Before I could respond the bell was ringing . Time to head to class I said walking away. What even was that question I thought walking back.

After School:  Hyde's P.O.V.

Me and Angel-Chan were walking so class are hands were hitting one another. I felt Licht trying to intertwine our hands until. Hey Its (I'll just call this Servamp Academy School) Servamp High students, a random guy called out, another man called out . Oh they're from C3 High. (Oh yes I did dare)  That's such a pathetic school with pathetic people. I was about to move when I felt Licht pull me back. Don't let them provoke you he told me. We were about to walk away. Faggots I heard one kid whisper, I was so mad I pulled away from Licht and yelled at them. IF YOU WANT TO SAY SOMETHING, SAY IT TO OUR FACES. The man looked away and another one said your not worth it, I mean your from Servamp High, your worthless compared to C3 High. IF YOU THINK YOUR SO MUCH BETTER THAN US THEN PROVE IT. Prove it, one of them then smirked and ran hi finger through his hair and then said Okay how about at the school festival . Okay, So what are we doing he asked smirking. A show, A show  he asked chuckling. Yes unless you think you can't put on a better ho than us? No way we agree with you idea. Bye losers they said walking off. My confidence wore off.

LICHT WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP ME . I thought It was a good idea he responded seriously. Really I was astonished. Yep might be the spur of the moment but I think we can really beat them. He took my hand  and we walked home peacefully...., but at the back of my mind I was screaming. WHAT HAVE I DONEE.....

Unknown P.O.V.

Servamp High? I looked at the map some girls gave me and I tucked it in my pocket. Okay seems like the place. Are you ready Abel.........

Author's Note

I don't even know anymore, I've stopped following the story but I promise I will bring the plot back Probably? 

Anyways you probably wondering what's going to happen

So am I

Jk Probably? Byeeeee

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