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I have never been one
to be brave around heights.
Place me somewhere high
and I become a wailing child
calling for its mother.
I am fearless until that point.

The point of looking down
and seeing the bottom;
knees so weak they could cave in
at the slightest push.
With a pounding heart,
one that was beating so fast
I thought it would burst out from my chest.

That was, until I met you.
Suddenly the heights didn't seem as bad.
With you I feel as though I can look down
from the tallest of mountains
and highest of cliffs
and not feel scared.
Because I became terrified
of falling for you.
Terrified of free falling from the cliffs edge, with no one to catch me.

When you kissed me;
suddenly I was at the edge of the cliff
no longer scared.
When we made love;
it was like I suddenly chose to take a leap
and dive into the hidden waters below, knowing you'd be there with me.
With your arms my harness,
your love my parachute.
I feel as though I can skydive from a plane
and free fall cause I know
you'd be there to catch me.

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