Chapter 4

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It's been a week since the exhibition and I hadn't had any calls or texts since, maybe he had forgotten I was suddenly his girlfriend.

"Hey Luc" I smile as she slumps on my bed.

"Hey ells, you've been down this past week"

"Have I?"

"I know you much more than you think" she giggles and I didn't know if that scared me or gave me relief.

"Shit happens"

"Is it you e-"

"No it's not my ex" I frown and then quickly shake thoughts of Harry and I away. "What do you do if you've just gotten to meet someone and things kinda kick off and all of the sudden their telling their parents you're their girlfriend"

"That's psycho as fuck" she says honestly and I burst out laughing. "Are you talking about anyone specific" she nudges me and I shake my head.

"This person hasn't spoken to me a week since"

"I would demand they talk to me, you don't get to use me and then just leave me on the kerb, let me teach you something babes" she says pulling us both up. "Never, ever let a guy walk over you. Once you do that he thinks he has some unwritten authority. Stand your guard and be clear"

"So what should I say to this guy"

"Tell him how you feel, tell him it's not cool what he's done and you don't need him in your life and not to pick at the wounds but you just came out of a heavy relationship so this drama is deffo the last thing you need" she smiles and I hug her tight. Although Lucy appeared to be a bitch to any other girl on the outside she was actually one of the most kindhearted people I've met. She had her flaws but she was supportive and got me through things I didn't know I could get over.

"You want me to go talk to this prick?" She asks and I shake my head.

"No, I'm going to stand my ground" I smile.

"That's my girl" she says proudly.

I text dan to meet me at a desert bar and he agreed, I was surprised he'd even text back but when he did I was glad.

I sat waiting alone for him at a little booth and carefully watched every person that walked in and out. I wondered how I looked on the outside, was I just as sad I felt?

My thoughts are shaken away when I see dan walking towards my booth.

He's dressed in jeans, tshirt and a leather jacket, his simple outfit still seems to look breathtaking.

"Hi" I smile awkwardly and he gives me a small smile. There's a awkward silence stuck between us.

"I know what this-" "we need to talk about somethin-" we both start at the same and I end up laughing nervously.

"I think we both know what this is about" he says and I nod. "But first let's get some food, I don't like how awkward it is between us"

"I'll have a strawberry and chocolate waffle with a Nutella and cream milkshake" I say as he gets up to order our food.

I didn't know what to ask or how to intiate the conversation without it being tense. I keep trying to come up with conversation staters but before I know it he's back.

"Should be soon" he says and I nod. I needed to force my words out.

"Look, what you did wasn't cool. I just want to know why you did it" I blurt and he finally looks at me properly and I feel like his shimmery eyes are drilling into me. "I deserve an explanation" I sigh.

"I know" he huffs massaging his hands through his hair. "The truth is I don't know why I said what I said, I guess I just wanted to avoid a situation"

"What situation?"

"It doesn't matter"

"Yes it fucking does!" I raise my voice and then feel embarrassment from the different eyes staring at me. "I'm so tired of being toyed around with, just give me the truth"

"My parents ok, they just- they want me to be this perfect son with the perfect girlfriend and everything planned out and when they saw you I thought on my feet and I didn't mean for you to get dragged in, well you know what I mean"

"I don't know what you mean, why are you so scared of your parents"

"Stop asking so many god damn questions, it's not as if you're really my girlfriend anyways so whys it bothering you?"

"Oh so you'd be fine if I went to Lucy and told her we're a thing"


"Well then"

"Fine we're over. Happy?" He says with a hint of a smile and I couldn't help but smile too.

"I'll be your fake girlfriend on one condition"

"What?" He gleams up at me.

"You tell me everything about you. No secrets between us"

"Ok" he says hesitantly.

Mr styles: part two Where stories live. Discover now