Chapter 26

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Mr Styles has just given us a weeks notice of this ball, which sounds like a long time but it really wasn't. I couldn't decide on what to wear, what shoes to match, how to style my hair and what makeup look I should go for.

Tonight was the ball and I still had no clue. Absolutely no idea.

It was now morning time and Dan was fast asleep, I didn't want to wake him because he got home late last night.

I slipped out of the room as quietly as possible, and when I did I almost jumped when I stepped on the familiar package.

"I'm not scared of you!" I screamed looking around the hallway, whoever this weird fucking stalker was had just been here, and it was scaring the life out of me.

The only person I had confided in about theses roses were Hannah the other night, of course she told me to tell the police but after how useless they were last time I saw no point. I just prayed eventually they'd get bored and leave me alone. Also, the vase was pretty much full and now with it being summer I couldn't keep drawing the curtains to hide them.

I huffed and made my way out of the college and to the shopping centre.

It was a successful shop, I had found the perfect matron fitted dress, although I was a little reluctant on how tight it was but the women at the shop made me feel like a queen when I tried it on.

I was making my way out of the shopping centre when a familiar face caught my attention, I turned my head and rubbed my eyes to make sure I was seeing right.

Slowly, I walked over and tapped her on the shoulders, "Darcy?" I questioned.

"Oh, hi" she turns and says nonchalantly, a blank smile spreads across her face.

"Is Buddy here" I ask, although he'd tell me if he's in the area.. or maybe it was a surprise.

"No, I just came to visit a friend"

"Cool" I smile. "You can visit my campus if you li-" I offer her to come visit my room for the sake of Buddy, I couldn't exactly ignore her.

"No thanks, I have plans tonight" She shines a faux smile. "You couldn't help me could you?"

I almost scoffed and then nodded at her.

"Wheres the local florist, I want to take Buddy some flowers back"

"You go straight, take the second right and there should be a cute little stall with an old couple"

"Thanks, I know how much Buddy loves roses" she says, almost like she's trying to shove it in my face or make me feel stupid.


"What" She furrows her brows.

"Daisies. Buddy likes Daisies" I smile smugly. "Have fun and tell Buddy I said hi" I walk off with my shopping and she rolls her eyes.

I didn't understand why she didn't like me, she probably didn't trust my friendship with Buddy or something but either way, I could care less about the girl. Tonight was my ball, probably the highlight of my summer since I'd planned on working everyday to scrape enough money for myself.

When I got home Dan wasn't in, the ball started at seven in the being and the time was now three. I decided to have a quick shower and then start getting ready.

On the invitation for the ball it said that we could bring one guest with us, I didn't know if I should bring Dan with me. I mentioned the ball to him but he seemed to show little or no attention, probably because his grandmother was very ill and there I was banging on about some stupid ball.

Mr styles: part two Where stories live. Discover now