Chapter 27

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Tears streamed down my eyes as the man I once loved stood before me, he was wearing a white ruffled shirt, black suit pants and a blazer.  And his hair...

He had cut his long locks off and now had soft curly short hair.

I touched his chest to make sure he was real and when he didn't disappear or run away I let out another loud wail of tears.

"Shh Ella" he laughs as he walks closer to me and I step back.

"Don't touch me!" I snap, my face was completely wet, the tears made me look like I was glistening.

"I have waited to see you for so long" he hums quietly and I look away from him. "I've missed you" he whispers and my eyes shoot to his, he has a small frown on his face.

"I can't do this" I cry. Everything was too real deal with and I suddenly wished that I had never seen Harry again.

I started to run, my heels didn't give me any justice but I ran out of the grand building and across the fresh lawn until I reached a bushy trail.

"Ella!" I hear Harry call breathlessly. I didn't know where I was, I just wanted to get away.

I step on to a twig and stumble back into a bush, his voice was getting closer and closer so I decided to give up this cat and mouse game we had going on. I was tangled in the bush and unable to get up because of my heels.

"Ell-" Harry stood in front of the bush and he holds back his laughter. I watch his face and start to laugh at my own expense and before we know it we're both laughing like mad people.

"Come here" he shakes his head and reaches a hand out for me to take, I slowly put my hands in his and he holds me tightly and pulls me out.

"Your makeup's running down your face" he says, I was stood beneath him as he traced a finger down my hardened cheek.

"I know" I sigh looking into his eyes. "Harry-"

"I've missed the sound of that" he groans and pulls me closer to his body.

"Don't do that" I shove him slightly and start to walk away again, only this time he grabs my wrists and pulls me back.

"You can't walk away from me! not after everything" he says his last words lowly.

"After everything you caused! In fact I don't want to get into this. I'm so sick of-"

His lips fall on my cheek and he etches closer and closer to my lips. "Come back to my room with me, and I swear if you don't want to hear me out I'll leave you for good" he mumbles against my skin. I look into his eyes.

A couple of weeks ago I'd beg to see Harry again, and honestly I didn't think I ever would. I knew going with him would be a terrible idea but.. I did it anyways.

We were sat in his car and that's when the billion and one questions came into my head, like,

How did he find me?

How did he know I'd be here?

Where was he staying, how long has he been here?

Has he spoke to his father?

Is he-

"What you thinking of?" He calls me out, I was daydreaming while he was driving. It was so unsettling and I still hadn't processed that I was here, with Harry, going to a hotel room. My heart was beating like crazy.

"Nothing" I shrug.

"I know you well enough to know you're lying" he smiles.

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