Chapter 28

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I couldn't get a wink of sleep, I was laying awake staring at the ceiling whilst Dan was fast asleep. He cried in my arms because he felt guilty about his lack of contact with his grandmother and there I was meeting Harry behind his back.

Speaking of Harry, I felt restless after finding out that he was ill, I didn't want to push him to tell me I wanted him to be comfortable and tell me in his own time what this illness was. I just prayed it wasn't anything serious because if it was.. I'd probably die too.

I tried to think positive, this was my chance to maybe clear things out with Harry and maybe this would stop me from being all gloomy. I could finally get on with Dan knowing things with Harry and I are officially over.

My phone was ringing and I prayed it wouldn't wake Dan up, I picked it up silently and watched Harry's name flash, instead of answering his call I decided to text him.

Me: Hi, you called?

Harry:  Yh, sorry if I woke you, I just wanted to know if you're free.

Me: what, now?

Harry: I thought we could have breakfast or something or we could just meet later but that's if you're up for it.

Me: no it's fine, breakfast sounds like a plan, I'll meet you soon.

Harry: I'll pick you up in twenty minutes

Me: alright see you then.

Harry: bye x

I quietly make my way out of bed and decide to have a quick shower, once I'm out of the shower I creep back into my room and get dressed into my clothes and wait as my short hair dries.

I applied a little makeup since I was waiting around and it had been well over 20 minutes, just then my phone rang and Dan started to stir in his sleep.

"Mm where you going babe" he asks groggily.

"I'm um, I'm just popping out and then I'm going to spend the day with Tasha, you know the one from work"

"Oh, ok well I'm going to be at my grans" he yawns as my phone rings again.

"I better get going" I chuckle. "I'll phone you later and we can catch up"

"Alright, see ya" he dives back in to the pillow and I sigh in relief.

I quickly make my way down the stairs and to the reception, I wonder how Harry knew where to come, or maybe he just remembered from last year and me banging on about it 24/7, I laughed the thought off as I saw the familiar black Range Rover pull up, I quickly walked out of the reception and to his car.

"Morning" he smiles as I step in.

"Morning" I reply back with a smile as he starts to drive.

"Did you sleep well?"

"I couldn't sleep at all"

"Me too" he sighs. "Maybe breakfast will wake us up" he chuckles.

"Harry I couldn't sleep because I was thinking about you, if your not well then-"

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