Chapter 22

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The next morning I woke up with guilt churning in my stomach.

Dan was fast asleep on his bed and I was wide awake staring at the ceiling and reminiscing my evening with Mr Styles.

Everything seemed so surreal and I couldn't process that I had kissed him.

I kissed Mr Styles

I tried forgetting it but it kept replaying in my head, his green eyes and cherry flavoured lips, they resembled Harry so much and maybe, just maybe that's why I kissed him.

Dan mumbled something inaudible and it broke me out of my trance, I had a lesson in a hours time and my phone was still going off with messages from Hannah with her apologies. However there was only one message that met my tired eyes,

Mr Styles: hi angel, just wanted to make sure you're ok after last night. Remember you can talk to me whenever and don't worry your secret is safe with me. I hope you're well and look forward to seeing you at work.

I sighed and put the phone down, I'm stopped from leaving the room when Dans voice is heard.

"Mm where you going?" He asks in his sleep filled voice.

"I'm going to shower then head to lesson"

"Come and lay in bed with me" he suggests and I mentally groan.

"I'll be late"

"You're not mad at me are you?" He asks and gets up slightly.

"No- I, I don't know" I sigh and his features sadden.

"Well we need to talk, you can't keep running from m-"

"I've got work today so I'll see you in the evening"

"Fine" he puffs and I silently leave the room.

I was on my way to work, nervous would be an understatement for what I was feeling. I didn't think I could look at Mr Styles the same again.

As I entered the building I felt like everyone was watching, what if they knew? What would they think?

"Oh nice to see you here" Tasha remarks and I give her a small smile. "Are you ok?" She asks as we both enter the lift together.

"My heads been all over the place" I groan and she chuckles lightly.

"You want me to get you a coffee up?"

"If you don't mind"

"Sureeeee" she rolls her eyes playfully and walks out of the lift.

I was now left standing by myself, in a matter of seconds I was on the top floor and I already felt myself trembling.

Slowly, I strode over to his office, my hands shook as I knocked on the door and the temperature suddenly went up by a 100 degrees.

"Come in" he calls smoothly.

I take a deep breath before opening the door, he was sat there in his chair with a pen between his teeth, his hair slightly messy with grey thin streaks popping out and in his hands a bunch of papers.

"Hi" I barely cough out and pull at my shirtsleeves.

"How are you Ella?" He asks without looking at me and I stare at him, not really knowing how to act.

"Mm fine I guess"

"That's good. Can you get started on the reports I've left just there" he gestures with his eyebrows and I quickly walk over and pick them up.

Mr styles: part two Where stories live. Discover now